Rocky Hill Trail


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Rocky Hill Trail Facts

States: Massachusetts
Counties: Hampshire
Length: 0.9 miles
Trail end points: Burts Pit Road and Sandy Hill Road
Trail surfaces: Asphalt
Trail category: Greenway/Non-RT
ID: 11451252

Rocky Hill Trail Description

The Rocky Hill Trail weaves through the tranquil greenery of the Burts Bog Greenway Conservation Area in Northampton, Hampshire County. The 121-acre peat bog is an ecologically sensitive site that's home to rare turtle species, which is why it was designated as a protected natural area in 2017. The multi-use trail stretches just short of a mile, beginning on Sandy Hill Road and winding south to Burts Pits Road. A short branch at about the midpoint reaches west to Overbrook Drive, allowing those neighbors to access the trail from there.

The Rocky Hill Trail is part of the Rocky Hill Greenway system, which will eventually connect to the Manhan Rail Trail.

Parking and Trail Access

There are three access points: Burts Pits Road (no parking), Overlook Drive (parking) and Sandy Hill Road (parking available).

Rocky Hill Trail Reviews

Completely paved; easy

This was a very short trail which was completely paved. It was nice and shaded due to the trees. It would be an easy walk with grandparents (there are benches) or young children. I recommend setting your gps to find something like 134 Sandy Hill Road in Florence. From there, you can easily find the trail beginning. To get my 10,000 steps I had to go back and forth on the trail a lot. But I still appreciated it fully paved! Seems like more of a neighborhood morning walk trail.

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