Missoula, MT Wheelchair Accessible Trails and Maps

44 Reviews

Looking for the best Wheelchair Accessible trails around Missoula?

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17 Results

Great American Rail-Trail

3743.9 mi
State: DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY
Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Greenough Park Trail

0.8 mi
State: MT
Asphalt, Dirt

Milwaukee Trail

1.8 mi
State: MT

Riverfront Trail (MT)

3.5 mi
State: MT
Asphalt, Ballast, Gravel

7th Street Trail

1.3 mi
State: MT

A.J. Hoyt Memorial Trail

11 mi
State: MT

Bitterroot Trail

51 mi
State: MT
Asphalt, Concrete

Clements Road Trail

1.27 mi
State: MT

Kim Williams Nature Trail

4.2 mi
State: MT
Asphalt, Dirt, Gravel

Larchmont Trail

0.5 mi
State: MT

South Avenue Trail

2.2 mi
State: MT

Bonner Streetcar Trail

0.9 mi
State: MT

Mansion Heights Trail

0.6 mi
State: MT
Asphalt, Gravel

Mullan Road Trail

2.7 mi
State: MT

Spurgin-Humble Road Trail

0.8 mi
State: MT

Stevensville Bike Path

1.5 mi
State: MT
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Note: This developing route is not yet fully contiguous – it is just over 50% complete. Please refer to the Trail Map for more information on the existing sections of trail, as well as the online...
DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY 3743.9 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone
The Greenough Park Trail is truly one of urban Missoula's best, making for a peaceful refuge from the city hubbub and near the downtown area. The trail makes a loop through this lush 42-acre park, not...
MT 0.8 mi Asphalt, Dirt
Missoula's Milwaukee Trail provides a valuable east-west commuting route through the city. The paved pathway includes occasional on-road segments but is well marked with excellent at-grade road...
MT 1.8 mi Asphalt
Missoula's Riverfront Trail follows both the north and south sides of the Clark Fork River through city parks downtown and near the university campus. The trail is part of a larger city-wide system...
MT 3.5 mi Asphalt, Ballast, Gravel
The 7th Street Trail is an on-road, extra-wide shoulder specifically designed for pedestrians and cyclists. The path runs for 1.36 miles between Clements Road and Hiberta Avenue, running east–west on...
MT 1.3 mi Concrete
Overview The A.J. Hoyt Memorial Trail can be found in Frenchtown, a small community about 16 miles northwest of downtown Missoula. The trail parallels the Frenchtown Frontage Road for just about 11...
MT 11 mi Asphalt
The Bitterroot Trail is a paved pathway largely paralleling US 93 between Missoula and Hamilton in Montana's scenic Bitterroot Valley. The trail provides a safe transportation alternative to the busy...
MT 51 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The Clements Road Trail is a paved path that parallels Missoula's busy Clements Road and provides a safe alternative to riding on the shoulder. The path runs for nearly 1.3 miles between the South...
MT 1.27 mi Asphalt
The Kim Williams Nature Trail provides a scenic stroll or bike ride alongside the Clark Fork River, connecting several parks in downtown Missoula. It also connects to the Riverfront Trail, giving...
MT 4.2 mi Asphalt, Dirt, Gravel
The Larmont Trail is a paved path that parallels Missoula's busy Reserve Street (US 93) and provides a safe alternative to riding on the road. The path runs for only a little more than 0.5 mile...
MT 0.5 mi Asphalt
The South Avenue Trail is a paved path that parallels Missoula's busy South Avenue and provides a safe alternative to riding in the road. The path runs for a little more than 2 miles between Old Fort...
MT 2.2 mi Asphalt
The Bonner Streetcar Trail serves as a connector for bicyclists and pedestrians in the Bonner-West Riverside community of western Montana. The rail-trail follows a former electric streetcar line of...
MT 0.9 mi Asphalt
The Mansion Heights Trail passes along the northern end of a neighborhood development of the same name toward the top of Missoula's South Hills. The homes here are quite beautiful and they match the...
MT 0.6 mi Asphalt, Gravel
This shared-use path parallels Mullan Road between Flynn Lane and Cote Lane in Missoula, Montana. The trail is in a mostly residential setting and accommodates walkers, cyclists and other nonmotorized...
MT 2.7 mi Asphalt
The North Avenue–Humble Road Trail is a short, Y-shaped link joining two other of Missoula's west-side trails: South Avenue Trail and Clements Road Trail. The on-road trail is nicely widened bike lane...
MT 1 mi
The Spurgin–Humble Road Trail runs just under 1 mile between the Clements Road Trail and the Kelly Island access path at the end of Humble Road. The on-road trail is nicely widened bike lane...
MT 0.8 mi Concrete
The town of Stevensville in Western Montana holds the distinction of being the site of the first permanent European settlement in the state. The St. Mary's Mission was founded by Jesuit priests in...
MT 1.5 mi Asphalt

Recent Trail Reviews

Milwaukee Trail

It has its moments of beauty. Well traveled and well marked. It's a fun trail.

July, 2024 by 5pfairfax

It has its moments of beauty. Well traveled and well marked. It's a fun trail.

Bitterroot Trail

Just south of Lolo, you can ride the frontage road to the west, old 93, and it's incredibly quiet, calm and little traffic for several miles . A good reprieve from the traffic noise. Beautiful ride.

June, 2024 by helmrobin13

Just south of Lolo, you can ride the frontage road to the west, old 93, and it's incredibly quiet, calm and little traffic for several miles . A good reprieve from the traffic noise. Beautiful ride.

Bitterroot Trail


September, 2023 by kaisasw

We looked forward to riding this trail for the views. It was very disappointing, the noise from riding next to the highway was too much for us. The trail is also quite bumpy. We started in Lolo and planned to go to Victor but turned around after 10 miles.


Great American Rail-Trail

Great Allegheny Trail southeast of Pittsburgh?

April, 2023 by eshawger

Surprised to see this amazing trail that has great bed and breakfasts along it is not noted as part of the Great American Rail Trail. It sure would help demonstrate more GART completion if it was.

Great American Rail-Trail

A nice ride. The hub is a good place to start.

August, 2022 by jodieo1

A nice ride. The hub is a good place to start.

Riverfront Trail (MT)

nice river views

July, 2022 by alice2013nc

We walked the north side of the river and it was clean and nice. We are cyclists and considered riding but lots of stops/starts and little mileage. Highly recommend to walk, grab a coffee, and enjoy the view. Cycling if you can figure out connecting trails.

Great American Rail-Trail

so good

July, 2022 by fear2321

We took electric scooters and did 16miles of this trail was so beautiful seen 6 deer 5 turkeys will glad go back and explore more

Riverfront Trail (MT)

fun skate

July, 2022 by cregan84

Nice trail to cruise around on skates ¿

Bitterroot Trail

We rode to Lola from Missoula before getting rained out. Trail is nice, pavement in good condition and has some variety. Like other reviews, we found the traffic right next to the trail ruined the ride. Can't imagine riding 51miles with the noise.

July, 2022 by rebean42

We rode to Lola from Missoula before getting rained out. Trail is nice, pavement in good condition and has some variety. Like other reviews, we found the traffic right next to the trail ruined the ride. Can't imagine riding 51miles with the noise.

Bitterroot Trail

not a fan

August, 2021 by jeanette.saltzman

We rode ten miles north from Hamilton. Trail goes along a noisy highway, through ugly industrial/commercial areas. The trail is paved, wide and flat. They are the only positives I can see. Maybe the rest of the trail is better- don’t bother with the southern end. We went west on side roads on the way back. So much nicer.

Grant Creek Trail


August, 2021 by debimiller91

2 9% grades but Ebikes are the way to go. Beautiful area and beautiful homes

Bitterroot Trail

Heads out of town for long ride

July, 2021 by acewickwire

Nice trail following along the active rail tracks for the first couple miles. I started at mile 0 and went for about 3.5 miles, just a short distance past the Bitterroot River crossing (TrailLink map doesn’t show this as continuous but it is). At this point the trail is getting out of town. There are a number of street crossings and since it was early Sunday morning not a lot of traffic. Some of the crossings have signals. Drivers stopped when they saw a bike coming without having to activate signals. Trail is wide and nicely paved.

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