Pahrump, NV Inline Skating Trails and Maps

69 Reviews

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8 Results

Bonanza Trail

5.3 mi
State: NV

Cedar Drainage Trail

1.85 mi
State: NV

I-215 West Beltway Trail

17 mi
State: NV

Lower Las Vegas Wash Trail

14.7 mi
State: NV
Asphalt, Concrete

I-215 East Beltway Trail

7 mi
State: NV

St. Rose Parkway Trail

8.1 mi
State: NV
Asphalt, Concrete

Upper Las Vegas Wash Trail

4.2 mi
State: NV
Asphalt, Concrete

Flamingo Arroyo Trail

15.5 mi
State: NV
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
The Bonanza Trail travels east to west for about 5.3 miles in Las Vegas, along a combination of off-street trails, on-street bike lanes and sidewalks. Despite this, the trail is easy to navigate...
NV 5.3 mi Asphalt
The trail runs alongside the Cedar Drainage Channel in Las Vegas, between Pecos Road, and another multiuse trail, the Upper Las Vegas Wash Trail. As you head east from Pecos Road, the Sunrise and...
NV 1.85 mi Asphalt
The I-215 West Beltway Trail follows the Las Vegas Beltway (officially named the Bruce Woodbury Beltway) along the city's western border, offering views of the mountains that flank the city. While the...
NV 17 mi Asphalt
The Lower Las Vegas Wash Trail is a popular recreational trail in the Las Vegas area, the impressive result of a multi-jurisdictional collaboration between Clark County and the cities of Las Vegas and...
NV 14.7 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The I-215 East Beltway runs alongside the Las Vegas Beltway (officially named the Bruce Woodbury Beltway) in the Sin City suburbs of Paradise and Henderson. Primarily used as a commuting corridor, the...
NV 7 mi Asphalt
The St. Rose Parkway Trail runs along both sides of the road of the same name in Henderson, a southern suburb of Las Vegas. In the south, the trail ends at the M Resort Spa Casino, one of the newest...
NV 8.1 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The Upper Las Vegas Wash Trail is a paved pathway that parallels its namesake irrigation channel through North Las Vegas. Running north to south, the trail provides direct access for residents of the...
NV 4.2 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The Flaming Arroyo Trail curves across the heart of suburban Clark County, passing through the communities of Paradise, Winchester and Sunrise Manor. The trail follows Flamingo Wash for nearly its...
NV 15.5 mi Asphalt

Recent Trail Reviews

Flamingo Arroyo Trail


December, 2024 by williammbowers

I didn't see a single flamingo on this trail. This is not as advertised.

Tons of homeless people though.

Tropicana Flamingo Wash Trail

Nice Trail

November, 2024 by louishoffman

This is a nice trail. You do have to go in the street at a portion, which is not great. But overall it is fairly nice.

St. Rose Parkway Trail

Too many stops

November, 2024 by louishoffman

This is not a great trail. You have to stop often at long stop lights—it’s hard to get a groove.


Lone Mountain Trail

I like this trail, couple cool lil parks, near home. Anyone think or know if it might actually go to lone mountain?

July, 2024 by cdot2017

I like this trail, couple cool lil parks, near home. Anyone think or know if it might actually go to lone mountain?

Lower Las Vegas Wash Trail

Homeless & Tents on Trail Now

July, 2024 by jessica.rimmer

I love walking this trail every morning but now there are tents that are camping out with homeless people. It’s starting to smell very foul and a lot of garbage is starting to accumulate. They aren’t harming anyone but it does make me feel uneasy when walking past it every morning. It’s only a matter of time before more tents start to camp there. It’s been about 3 weeks now and I’m surprised no one has done anything about it. Any information on who to call to remove them from the trail would be great, as I’m sure other people are feeling the same way.

Lone Mountain Trail

Quiet Zone

May, 2024 by 6c6pff6w72

Wonderful Trail…but there was one woman 1/4 mile behind me having a very loud conversation for about 2 miles / straight on complaining about life. Didn’t enjoy that portion too much, but lots of little animal creatures to see on this trail!!

Upper Las Vegas Wash Trail

Nice Trail

May, 2024 by imyflorence24

Took the trial today and it was nice and clean. Had to cross a few streets that were not too busy, perfect for a casual bike ride

I-215 West Beltway Trail

warning on Charleston and Sahara intersections.

April, 2024 by polironman

I like the trail because it’s challenging but be careful on crossing Charleston and Sahara intersections. I have several Close calls on that intersections. Cars are always in a hurry to merge to 215 sometimes they occupied the cross walk/ bike path so it blocked your way. They need to put a bridge or below the bridge trail to bypass the intersections. Also I noticed that nobody cleans the trail after lone mountain to centennial there’s always trash and sometimes plastic bottles that are dangerous if you ran over it.

I-215 West Beltway Trail

Scary for intermediate rollerblader

January, 2024 by kaliwickland

Rollerblader here! I’m intermediate level? I’ve rollerbladed for years and occasionally complete 15-18 mile rides on my skates. Tried the first mile of this and was terrified (I’m not the best at stopping). Within that first mile (from the south end), had to cross 3 very busy streets, minimal room for error stopping while going slightly downhill onto heavy traffic. Also, parts of the crosswalk were very rough causing several near falls for me on the street. Not sure how the rest of the trail as I turned around before I got myself into too much trouble.

I-215 West Beltway Trail

Follows Beltway

March, 2023 by acewickwire

Trail is good quality, smooth and wide but the portion we followed parallels the beltway. Lots of traffic on beltway. Some signaled road crossings and others with an underpass. We started on the north end (Hualapai Way) and traveled south for nearly 7 miles. This trail does have hills. The traillink map and listing could be updated. The trail travels east from where we started. Uncertain how much further but is more trail.

Flamingo Arroyo Trail

Don't do it!

April, 2022 by rvrstn303

Bridges were full of homeless and trail dead ends at a golf course.

Lower Las Vegas Wash Trail

trail closed

January, 2022 by robert.keith86

I tried biking this trail and it was closed at the entry point near Sahara in both directions

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