Arizona Mountain Biking Trails and Maps

363 Reviews

Looking for the best Mountain Biking trails around Arizona?

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City Trails and Maps in Arizona

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25 Results

Karen Cooper Trail (Rio North Trail)

3.6 mi
State: AZ
Dirt, Gravel

Prescott Peavine National Recreation Trail

6 mi
State: AZ
Ballast, Cinder, Crushed Stone, Dirt

Chino Valley Peavine Trail

5.8 mi
State: AZ

Iron King Trail

4.1 mi
State: AZ

Route 66 Trail

4.9 mi
State: AZ

Sinclair Wash Trail

5.7 mi
State: AZ
Crushed Stone

Arizona Trail (Flagstaff)

10.1 mi
State: AZ
Asphalt, Concrete, Gravel

Buffalo Park Loop

2 mi
State: AZ
Dirt, Gravel

Indian Springs Trail

7.5 mi
State: AZ

Railroad Grade Trail (AZ)

19 mi
State: AZ

Arroyo Trail

0.3 mi
State: AZ

Bow & Arrow Trail

0.8 mi
State: AZ
Dirt, Gravel

Cedar Trail

1.36 mi
State: AZ
Concrete, Dirt

Dreamy Draw Bikeway

2.1 mi
State: AZ
Asphalt, Concrete

Fisher Point Trail

0.4 mi
State: AZ
Dirt, Gravel

Foxglenn Trail

1.9 mi
State: AZ
Cinder, Concrete, Dirt

Iron Springs Railroad Trail

4 mi
State: AZ
Crushed Stone, Dirt

JWP Trail

2.1 mi
State: AZ

Mars Hill Trail

1.9 mi
State: AZ
Dirt, Gravel

Patagonia Train Track Trail

2 mi
State: AZ

Southwest Crossing Trail

0.6 mi
State: AZ
Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Switzer Canyon Trail

1.25 mi
State: AZ
Concrete, Dirt, Gravel

Switzer Wash Trail

0.4 mi
State: AZ
Crushed Stone

Tunnel Springs Trail

1.9 mi
State: AZ
Dirt, Gravel
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
In April 2011 the Rio North Trail was renamed the Karen Cooper Trail in memory of a Flagstaff City Council member. The Karen Cooper Trail runs for 3.6 miles between W. Cherry Avenue just north of...
AZ 3.6 mi Dirt, Gravel
Overview The Prescott Peavine National Recreation Trail is a 6-mile rail-trail in Prescott, north of Phoenix. To say that the connected rail-trails of Prescott are oases in sun-baked,...
AZ 6 mi Ballast, Cinder, Crushed Stone, Dirt
The Chino Valley Peavine Trail offers a north-south route through the central Arizona town of Chino Valley, which lies about 15 miles north of the larger city of Prescott. The dirt pathway is best for...
AZ 5.8 mi Dirt
The Iron King Trail begins in the community of Granville and heads west for an enjoyable 4.1-mile adventure. The trail's western trailhead is just beyond the Point of Rocks junction with Prescott...
AZ 4.1 mi Dirt
The Route 66 Trail in Flagstaff begins in the heart of the beautiful historic downtown district right next to the picturesque Flagstaff Train Depot. Parking is available right along historic Route 66...
AZ 4.9 mi Concrete
Internationally renowned for outdoor recreation activities and as the launching point for visits to Grand Canyon National Park, the city of Flagstaff also boasts one of the best community trail...
AZ 5.7 mi Crushed Stone
The Flagstaff segment of the Arizona Trail is just over 10 miles long and passes through the middle of town between Interstate 40 and Route 66. The trail's surface varies from paved to gravel and...
AZ 10.1 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Gravel
The Buffalo Park Loop circles the park of the same name atop McMillan Mesa, an ancient lava flow. The trail traverses open, native grasslands and a small wooded section in a ravine. From the mesa you...
AZ 2 mi Dirt, Gravel
The Indian Springs Trail is a wide, gravel path that loops through a portion of the Apache and Sitgreaves National Forests. Beginning in a meadow, the trail quickly enters a dense forest of pine and...
AZ 7.5 mi Gravel
For a challenging desert adventure, travel the Mohave and Milltown Railroad Trail in northwest Arizona. The trail occupies the corridor of the historic Mohave and Milltown Railroad, a private narrow...
AZ 7 mi Ballast
The entire route of the Railroad Grade Trail follows a historic railroad corridor, offering gentle climbs and stunning views. The railroad formerly hauled logs from various parts of the Apache...
AZ 19 mi Cinder
The Arroyo Trail is a short trail that extends from the paved Pine Knoll Trail at Pine Knoll Drive to a neighborhood on the north side of Interstate 40 in Flagstaff.
AZ 0.3 mi Gravel
The Bow & Arrow Trail follows an arroyo of the same name in a scenic canyon near Flagstaff's Coconino County Community College. The trail runs east and west of Lone Tree Road near the campus and...
AZ 0.8 mi Dirt, Gravel
The Cedar Trail runs between West Street, on the east slope of McMillan Mesa, and Turquoise Drive, paralleling Cedar and Forest avenues. The trail traverses lightly forested hillside and dry...
AZ 1.36 mi Concrete, Dirt
The Dreamy Draw Bikeway passes through the Dreamy Draw Recreation Area in Phoenix, offering ample scenery and access to the area's rustic hiking trails. The trail begins at a residential neighborhood...
AZ 2.1 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The Fisher Point Trail is a short route heading down into a small side canyon along the east edge of the Pine Canyon development. It links the JWP Trail and a Forest Service trail that carries on to...
AZ 0.4 mi Dirt, Gravel
The Foxglenn Trail runs between Herold Ranch Road and Foxglenn Park on Butler Avenue. At the park end of the trail, the surface is concrete, and you connect to additional side trails here. The main...
AZ 1.9 mi Cinder, Concrete, Dirt
The Iron Springs Railroad Trail (a.k.a. Forest Trail 332) lies within Prescott National Forest west of the city of Prescott, AZ. The hilly trail is around 6,000 feet in elevation and winds through the...
AZ 4 mi Crushed Stone, Dirt
The JWP Trail follows along the south side of John Wesley Powell Boulevard between the eastern end of where the boulevard currently ends (as of 2011) and Lake Mary Road. Where the trail intersects...
AZ 2.1 mi Asphalt
The Mars Hill Trail runs west from Thorpe Park, climbing Mars Hill and ending where the Tunnel Springs Trail begins. The trail climbs through a steep draw amid an open pine forest. The trail crosses...
AZ 1.9 mi Dirt, Gravel
The Patagonia Train Track Trail is a loop trail that begins and ends in the tiny Arizona town of Patagonia. One half of the trail follows the old railbed of the New Mexico and Arizona Railroad, which...
AZ 2 mi Dirt
The Southwest Crossing Trail runs adjacent to Highland Mesa Drive toward I-40 then passes through open space, dropping down to go below I-40. The crossing was first built to move sheep but now funnels...
AZ 0.6 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone
The Switzer Canyon Trail extends between Gemini Drive just south of Buffalo Park and Turquoise Drive near Ponderosa Parkway. The trail follows an abandoned portion of Cedar Avenue along an aggregate...
AZ 1.25 mi Concrete, Dirt, Gravel
The Switzer Wash Trail runs for nearly 0.5 mile in Switzer Wash along the south side of Butler Avenue, paralleling 4th Street. At its southern end it intersects with the Foxglenn Trail.
AZ 0.4 mi Crushed Stone
The Tunnel Springs Trail presents a challenging but steady ascent (or descent) on the south face of Observatory Mesa. The trail passes through ponderosa pine forest, extending between the Railroad...
AZ 1.9 mi Dirt, Gravel

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Recent Trail Reviews

Pantano River Park Trail

Another great section of the Loop

January, 2025 by barbscondo

We parked at the Vail Christian Church on Valencia. The usual roadside parking areas are gone due to road construction but the Church was great. Lots of bikers parked there. Right beside the Harrison Greenway trail which runs into the Pantano trail. So from there you could go one way to the Pantano or the other to Julian Wash. The Harrison trail is considered a connector trail. Anyway lots of beautiful cactus/several restrooms/horse farms/no homeless camps.

Rillito River Park Trail

Great trail

January, 2025 by barbscondo

We parked at the Shannon Parking lot for the Loop. Google maps will take you to the parking lot. Did an 18 Mile round trip. Could be longer if you wanted. You can cross the Wash at several places and ride both sides of the Wash. Beautiful scenery. Lots of trees and giant cactus. It was a Saturday so the trail was busy but fun. Parks along the way. We are staying at the South 40 RV park and next time we will just ride out of the RV park. Can use sidewalks to get to trail. Can also ride to the Canada del Oro and the Santa Cruz trail.

Cañada del Oro River Park Trail

Awesome trail section

January, 2025 by barbscondo

We stayed at So 40 RV park. Could actually have ridden from the RV park to the trail but drove and parked at the small lot at Thornydale and rode 10 miles north up the trail. The scenery is great and the path has lots of curves and 4 steel bridges to cross back and forth across the giant wash. Just after you leave the parking lot you come to a”Y”. One way is the Santa Cruz Trail and the other the Canada del Oro.


New River Trail

unexpectedly good trail in Phoenix

January, 2025 by barbscondo

We parked at Rio Vista Community Park. Beautiful Park. Lots of people and parking. From the Park you can also access Skunk Creek Trail which we got on by accident for a few miles but then turned around and came back and got the New River Trail. We did the section on both sides of the river (dry! lol) but quite a few beautiful Palo Verde trees along the trail. Will go back and head further south from the park towards Sun City. Nice trail with no street crossing interruptions.

New River Trail

Really enjoyed this trail. Close to our resort and easy access. Not busy during the week. Well marked, going again today.

December, 2024 by danama1

Really enjoyed this trail. Close to our resort and easy access. Not busy during the week. Well marked, going again today.

Queen Creek Wash Trail


December, 2024 by 8g58vm6g6z

well maintained safe, quiet. great for hour, quick ride out and back

Julian Wash Greenway

Exercise Trail

November, 2024 by barbscondo

We stayed at the Tucson KOA and you can ride out the back of the KOA and get on the trail. About the middle of the trail. First day we headed west for 7 miles. The trail flows into the Santa Cruz Trail so you could go a long way if wanted. It’s ok. Has two kind of confusing street crossings. Not particularly scenic. 2nd day went east for 10 miles where Julian wash flows into another section of the loop. This was a workout ride. You don’t realize it but it is a slight steady uphill and we had a good headwind. So a workout! No shade and not particularly scenic.

Eastern Canal Path

Ive been riding parts of this for 10 years

November, 2024 by darrelriffle777

My only complaint is that they ripped up the pavement on some sections and never repaved it! I also want to share that on this canal, just south of the Riparian park (on Guadalupe) you will see electric lines and a sidewalk going east/west. This is a great trail to use in conjunction with this canal trail. This trail runs from power road way out to Tempe. Some parts are dirt but most are paved. This electric line trail will take you right to downtown Gilbert

Skunk Creek Trail


September, 2024 by garyclav

Nice overall, but could use some repair and better trail markings. Great length.

Eastern Canal Path

Great Ride!

May, 2024 by rp9b8bpx6b

There’s lots of street crossings, but it wasn’t that big of a deal. You just have to keep your eyes open. Maybe half of the trail was smooth between compacted dirt and concrete. The rest was fairly rough and gravely. Highly recommend it.

Central Arizona Project to Arizona Canal Trail

Nicely Done, Scottsdale!

April, 2024 by carlosdww1

Beautiful path and very, very clean. Completed entire path from south to north and back again and my only suggestion is to add a crosswalk crossing N 100th St to and from Horizon Park at the north end. This will keep cyclists and pedestrians much safer. Otherwise, I felt extremely safe the rest of the way. Loved it!

Consolidated Canal Path

Excellent jogging trail

March, 2024 by joenad55

Started out at Hohokam Park and went five miles on it up and back. There are street crossings, but there are red light pushbutton traffic stops so the street can be crossed with little interruption. Only issue I have is lack of benches.

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