Fernley, NV Wheelchair Accessible Trails and Maps

20 Reviews

Looking for the best Wheelchair Accessible trails around Fernley?

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5 Results

Historic Virginia and Truckee Trail

1.9 mi
State: NV

Tahoe East Shore Trail

3 mi
State: NV

Truckee River Legacy Trail

5.6 mi
State: CA

Pinedrop Trail

1.2 mi
State: CA

South Meadows Trail System

5 mi
State: NV
Asphalt, Concrete
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
The multi-use Historic Virginia & Truckee Trail (formerly known as the Carson City Trail) runs between Kings Canyon Road and Combs Canyon Road, passing through Carson City's western subdivisions and...
NV 1.9 mi Asphalt
Though it's only 3 miles long, there was no shortage of excitement when the Tahoe East Shore Trail opened in the summer of 2019. The trail made access to the northeast shore of Lake Tahoe...
NV 3 mi Asphalt
Overview The Truckee River Legacy Trail follows its namesake river’s south side from downtown Truckee to the Glenshire neighborhood. The trail provides scenic views of the Truckee River and the...
CA 5.6 mi Asphalt
The Pinedrop Trail is a paved link between the community of Kings Beach, located on the northern shore of Lake Tahoe, and North Tahoe Regional Park. The trail winds through a hilly landscape of pine...
CA 1.2 mi Asphalt
A network of around five miles of paved, multi-use trail in the southern suburban neighborhoods of Reno, the South Meadows Trail System offers a popular means of recreation and exercise, connecting...
NV 5 mi Asphalt, Concrete

Recent Trail Reviews

Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway


August, 2024 by fly777300

I started the trail at lake st for the first .75 lots of homeless folks. One actually chased after me. Very irregular trail until reaching the end of the Reno side then got better.

Historic Virginia and Truckee Trail

Snowshoeing on Feb 6, 2024

February, 2024 by zvjvpqfyjv

We parked at the trailhead across from Combs Canyon Rd and snowshoed all the way to the end of the trail by the CC Hospital an back, about 1.6 miles. Easy trail and awesome views of CC and the Sierras.

Tahoe East Shore Trail

Breathtaking trail

August, 2023 by gatorsbabe2208

Stunning views, lake breeze and access along the way. Perfect way to spend a day.


Erica Greif Memorial Bikeway

My Sunday Morning Favorite

July, 2023 by reiterjw

I really enjoy getting on this trail early on a Sunday Morning. I am usually on the trail by 8am.

I start at the south end and ride to E Greg Street.

I park at the Double Diamond Park. It is just a short ride along S Meadows Parkway to the beginning of the trail.

I included two screen shots of the Garmin map and a picture of the entrance to the Double Diamond Park.

Incline Village Bike Path


February, 2023 by gpledger1

You won’t regret visiting this well traveled trail. The walk is fairly easy with some extended inclines. This is one of the most beautiful trails I have hiked. Gorgeous views the whole way to Kings beach and back. Plan to take your time and enjoy it. The is no shade on this trail and

Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway

The trail is nice from Sparks until about the GSR. After you pass the GSR area heading to Reno, the path is quite inconsistent.

June, 2022 by semperfimikey

The trail is nice from Sparks until about the GSR. After you pass the GSR area heading to Reno, the path is quite inconsistent.

Erica Greif Memorial Bikeway

veterans parkway trail

November, 2021 by 1boxingtrain

Love this trail! Views of wild horses and detached from traffic, wish we had more trails like this!!

Tahoe East Shore Trail

so beautiful!!!

July, 2021 by joan60

You will love this absolutely beautiful trail. Weekends are a bit busy with both walkers and bikes but still worth it. The trail runs along Lake Tahoe and its has stunning views plus the water colors are magnificent. I highly recommend this trail for a nice walk. You can also go into the Sand Harbor park at the south end and stop for a Bloody Mary or other refreshments at their concession stand

Erica Greif Memorial Bikeway

Nice path for all levels!

May, 2021 by chelseahouston90

I rode this path with a friend recently (she’s experienced, I’m a beginner) and we both had a good time! Nicely paved, a few slight hills, and decent length.

Erica Greif Memorial Bikeway

Good for all levels!

May, 2021 by chelseahouston90

I just got a bike and rode this path with my cycling-experienced friend. We both had a good time, explored both directions when the path forked closer to Sparks, and appreciated how well the path was maintained. Fairly flat—a little more hilly on the way back (toward S. Reno), but great overall!

Sparks Boulevard Trail

Love this path

February, 2021 by allygan

This path is really conveniently located to a lot of homes along Sparks BLVD. It's short, but is a great connector to the Truckee River bike path. Also, so many ducks live along this path and they are just super fun to watch. It has a few places where the path dips down below the road level, and these can occasionally collect water. But if you're looking for a place to entertain your children with echoes, these underways are definitely the place to do it. The path is wide enough to accommodate traffic going both ways, which makes it great for walking or biking or bringing your dogs.

Erica Greif Memorial Bikeway

A nice fall afternoon ride!

November, 2019 by pam.brandbuilders

Easy trail with wide open views. Well maintained for one small area that needs some goat head bushes trimmed. Nice benches at several points to take a break. No shade, except under one bridge, so be prepared if it’s summer. We ended up on several nice bike/walk paths in housing developments on the southern end that took us back to our motel off 580. Easy For families with kiddos.

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