Don Griffin Trail at Lake Betsi


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Don Griffin Trail at Lake Betsi Facts

States: Florida
Counties: Brevard
Length: 2.25 miles
Trail end points: McKnight Family Sports Complex, 960 Cogswell St (Rockledge) and McKnight Family Sports Complex, 960 Cogswell St (Rockledge)
Trail surfaces: Asphalt, Boardwalk
Trail category: Greenway/Non-RT
ID: 13784699

Don Griffin Trail at Lake Betsi Description


The Don Griffin Trail at Lake Betsi is a wide, asphalt trail around Lake Betsi, in Rockledge Florida. A highlight of the trip is that across the 2.25-mile route, there are no road crossings. The trail, and the lake, are surrounded by a wall of trees and other green vegetation.

The lake is popular for fishing, and the entire route has little to no shade.

About the Route

The Trail runs in a complete loop around Lake Betsi, an irregular-shaped lake. Leaving off from the McKnight Family Sports Complex, where there is parking, the trail heads north and passes baseball fields, tennis courts, and more. The remainder of the trail as it heads north and then east, is surrounded by trees that provide some seclusion.

Trail users should note that the eastern section of the trail is near some active rail tracks, with no separation.



Parking and Trail Access

The Don Griffin Trail at Lake Betsi runs in a circle around Lake Betsi, in Rockledge, Florida.

Parking is available at:

  • McKnight Family Sports Complex, 960 Cogswell St. (Rockledge)

See TrailLink Map for all parking options and detailed directions.


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