Casper, WY Geocaching Trails and Maps

21 Reviews

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5 Results

Al's Way

2.9 mi
State: WY

Great American Rail-Trail

3743.9 mi
State: DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY
Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Douglas Bike Path

3.5 mi
State: WY

Platte River Trail

10 mi
State: WY

Casper Rail Trail

6.2 mi
State: WY
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Al’s Way begins in the commercial heart of Glenrock, once a supply stop on the Oregon Trail and today a small town situated 25 miles east of the larger community of Casper in eastern Wyoming. Both...
WY 2.9 mi Asphalt
Note: This developing route is not yet fully contiguous – it is just over 50% complete. Please refer to the Trail Map for more information on the existing sections of trail, as well as the online...
DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY 3743.9 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone
Douglas is a small town with Old West charm about 45 minutes west of Casper. The city sits on the North Platte River, which forms the focal point for a concrete multiuse trail. The trail traces the...
WY 3.5 mi Concrete
The Platte River Trail provides 10 miles of paved pathway through the Wyoming community of Casper. The trail hugs both sides of the North Platte River from Paradise Valley Park on its west end to the...
WY 10 mi Concrete
Spanning just over 6 miles, the Casper Rail Trail offers an east-west route across the charming Wyoming community of Casper. Loosely paralleling US Highway 26, the paved pathway partially follows the...
WY 6.2 mi Concrete

Recent Trail Reviews

Great American Rail-Trail

such a beautiful trail!

October, 2024 by sherryschie

We started in Akron and rode about 18 miles north. Loved it!!!

Platte River Trail

Closed at Interstate 25, head the other way.

September, 2024 by fqthewench711

Nice ride along the river although industrial in places. Not well marked in spots…. Look for faint traces of blue paint. We got two flats from “goat heads”. Resulted in a trip to Mountain sports in Casper and $220 worth of Tannus liners. Ouch.

Great American Rail-Trail

West bound from Ellensburg. August 2024

August, 2024 by tastesbadtobears

We ( recumbent trike & e-bike) headed West from the Kiwanis park. Turned around after 9km as the surface was really tough on the trike. There’s 2 good wheel tracks for bikes, but the trike had to ride partially in the coarse trail ballast. Scenic area with farm views and a huge windmill farm in the distance.


Casper Rail Trail

Great Trails lots of directions to go

July, 2023 by rfarrar_tl

Great trails, lots of directions to travel. Some concrete and other asphalt surfaces, as well as some gravel. You can pretty much see all of Casper from this trail.

Al's Way

Nice hometown trail

July, 2023 by rfarrar_tl

Great short trail, nice asphalt surface, wide enough to pass easily.

Platte River Trail

Beautiful ride along the river

July, 2023 by rfarrar_tl

Very nice trail with concrete and asphalt surface. Wide enough to pass others easily. Great views of Casper from across the river.

Great American Rail-Trail

Great Allegheny Trail southeast of Pittsburgh?

April, 2023 by eshawger

Surprised to see this amazing trail that has great bed and breakfasts along it is not noted as part of the Great American Rail Trail. It sure would help demonstrate more GART completion if it was.

Great American Rail-Trail

A nice ride. The hub is a good place to start.

August, 2022 by jodieo1

A nice ride. The hub is a good place to start.

Great American Rail-Trail

so good

July, 2022 by fear2321

We took electric scooters and did 16miles of this trail was so beautiful seen 6 deer 5 turkeys will glad go back and explore more

Platte River Trail

Worth the 1,000 Mile Drive!

October, 2021 by thejake91739

In late September of 2021, my wife and I traveled from Southern California to Casper in order to ride this trail in our quest to bicycle in all fifty states. It was most certainly worth the one thousand mile drive!
We rode every square foot of the trail and its spurs, and enjoyed the changes and contrasts in the various portions.
We experienced the trail on a Saturday morn, so it was being used to a great extent by walkers, joggers, bikers, families, dog walkers, and even volunteers clearing brush.
So much made this ride enjoyable for us: the perfect fall weather and colors, friendly trail users, beautiful river views, and clever art installations.
The only thing not five star worthy is the condition of the root damaged asphalt in a few sections, but for the most part the path is well maintained and smooth riding.
There are a couple of short climbs, especially one toward the north end, but it's worth it for the spectacular view of the river with which it rewards you!
For those of you in Casper, you know what a gem you have in the Platte River Trail. For those of you passing through or looking for a bike riding destination in Wyoming, go for it!

Casper Rail Trail


June, 2021 by debimiller91

Terrible ride from Yellowstone. Soft sand and then you get blocked by construction. We went through town and was able to reconnect and went to the River trail and came by by the highway. 19 miles round trip. Not recommended in 2021.

Great American Rail-Trail

best trail ever

March, 2021 by cmassonet

wonderful trip across America

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