Mill Mountain Greenway


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Mill Mountain Greenway Facts

States: Virginia
Counties: Roanoke
Length: 3.2 miles
Trail end points: Norfolk Ave. SE and Discovery Center in Mill Mountain Park
Trail surfaces: Asphalt, Concrete
Trail category: Greenway/Non-RT
ID: 9350551

Mill Mountain Greenway Description

The Mill Mountain Greenway provides residents and visitors to Roanoke with a nice connection from the city's downtown to Mill Mountain Park. Within the park, you can explore numerous hiking trails, including one that will take you up to the summit of Mill Mountain. The park also includes a zoo.

Closer to the northern end of the trail, you'll pass through Elmwood Park, a popular concert and festival venue.

Note that a portion of the trail, along Walnut Avenue, is not a separated trail; travelers can either take the sidewalk or bike on-road there.

Parking and Trail Access

Parking is available at the southern end of the trail in Discovery Center in Mill Mountain Park.

On the northern end of the trail, on-street parking is available in downtown Roanoke.

Mill Mountain Greenway Reviews

e bike

Mill mt is a great e bike trail due to big climb, I like to come back down the road due to downhill speed and roughness of the old paved road that makes the trail surface, makes a nice loop and can be extended out to the parkway and around the roanoke mt loop that is closed to vehicle traffice which has beautiful overlooks.

tough thousand feet

Switch backs up the old road to the top of Mill Mountain. But first you have to get up Walnut......... !

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