Belen, NM Wheelchair Accessible Trails and Maps

44 Reviews

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8 Results

Paseo del Bosque Trail

16 mi
State: NM

Tramway Recreation Trail

8.5 mi
State: NM
Asphalt, Concrete

98th Street Multi-Use Trail

0.5 mi
State: NM

Arroyo Vista Trail

2.3 mi
State: NM

Atrisco Trail

0.7 mi
State: NM

Paseo de la Mesa Trail

4.4 mi
State: NM

Santo Domingo Trail

1.2 mi
State: NM
Asphalt, Concrete

Wyoming Trail

1.1 mi
State: NM
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Overview The Paseo del Bosque Trail is a 16-mile urban greenway in Albuquerque. About the Route Following the Rio Grande for about 16 miles, the trail passes by the Rio Grande Conservation...
NM 16 mi Asphalt
The Tramway Recreation Trail follows Tramway Boulevard, a major north-south route on the eastern edge of Albuquerque. The path runs along the foothills that skirt the city, offering spectacular views...
NM 8.5 mi Asphalt, Concrete
A short stretch of paved trail on the western outskirts of Albuquerque, the 98th Street Multi-Use Trail provides a nifty link between the main thoroughfare of Central Avenue and a section of the...
NM 0.5 mi Asphalt
Providing over two miles of paved, multi-use trail in the suburban developments of western Albuquerque, the Arroyo Vista Trail is a nice community pathway that provides a great way for residents to...
NM 2.3 mi Asphalt
Running through the Quaker Heights and adjacent neighborhoods in western Albuquerque, the Atrisco Trail provides a short but useful paved pathway that provides a great recreational option for...
NM 0.7 mi Asphalt
The Paseo de la Mesa Trail offers a unique and unforgettable way to experience the West Mesa. The trail is an asphalt with lane striping, cutting a geometric path through the Open Space in northwest...
NM 4.4 mi Asphalt
The Santo Domingo Trail is a short local trail in the Taylor Ranch neighborhood, northwest of Albuquerque. The paved trail provides a safe, non-motorized connection for residents to amenities such as...
NM 1.2 mi Asphalt, Concrete
An urban sidepath trail along the busy Wyoming Boulevard northeast of downtown Albuquerque, the Wyoming Trail provides over a mile of eight-foot wide pathway that helps cyclists and pedestrians...
NM 1.1 mi Asphalt

Recent Trail Reviews

Tramway Recreation Trail

I road the entire trail yesterday both ways: over 17 miles. Trail is in good condition and offers beautiful views of the city below and the mountains above. Great, flat, paved trail!

December, 2024 by fairlybiginvestments

I road the entire trail yesterday both ways: over 17 miles. Trail is in good condition and offers beautiful views of the city below and the mountains above. Great, flat, paved trail!

Paseo del Bosque Trail

So much fun

October, 2024 by suzie.loughlin

Albuquerque has done a great job on their bike paths. We did the trail out and back, finishing with 35 miles. Well maintained and mostly right along the Rio Grand.

Broadmoor Boulevard Trail

road riding at its worst

June, 2024 by terrirees

Thus is just a poorly maintained “bike” lane that stops and starts sporadically.


Chris Chavez Trail

Nice, wide, and smooth trail

April, 2024 by mlane14_99

The Chris Chavez Trail is a nice wide, smooth asphalt paved trail. The pavement is in good shape, and there are a few benches along the way. There are no restrooms or other amenities. The trail runs along a drainage canal and through an industrial area of southern Albuquerque. We saw a few planes and a helicopter fly overhead from the nearby airport.

Paseo del Bosque Trail

Beautiful Trail

October, 2023 by melissaraetoni

Lots of variety and space to explore. There’s a path for every person here with asphalt, wide dirt paths, smaller paths closer to the river, and paths that weave in and out of the trees and shrubs.

Cabezon Boulevard Trail

Stroll on the Sidewalk

September, 2023 by wwsjtd562j

This is not really a “trail” in my opinion. It’s a nice walk but noisy. Cabezon has become a very busy street.

Paseo del Bosque Trail

great trail ride..but be careful!

May, 2023 by tntdavis

We loved this ride on our e-bikes. But be careful some of the bike riders go way to fast for the conditions. I came across a wooden bridge with people walking on it, I respectfully walked my bike across and bike rider came sailing around the corner, did not slow down and nearly took us all out. No apology..nothing. There are congested areas on the careful

Paseo del Bosque Trail

great trail!

February, 2023 by bigbarnbrewing

We visited Albuquerque and found this trail it was a great ride!

Paseo del Bosque Trail

long and smooth

February, 2023 by mackbrazelle

Flat, long and smooth ride.

Del Rey Ave Trail

This is a safe way to get from I-25 and San Antonio to Tramway.

September, 2022 by taylornm

This is a safe way to get from I-25 and San Antonio to Tramway.

Paseo del Bosque Trail

Excellent trail for a day ride

March, 2022 by stvatandem

We started from the Journal Center RR Station Parking Lot on El Pueblo Rd NE and rode a nicely paved connecting trail (it runs parallel to RT-423) for about 2 miles to the Paseo del Bosque Trail. From there, my wife and I rode south to Rio Bravo Blvd SW (RT-500), before turning around and heading back north. On the return, we stopped at Tingley Beach for a break. There is a small pavilion there with some picnic tables and benches. There is also a well maintained restroom building.

Mariposa Basin Recreation Trail

Beautiful and Calm

February, 2021 by ashleyjade1023

Quiet trail with houses, bunnies, and ducks.

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