Clinton, IA Snowmobiling Trails and Maps

237 Reviews

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5 Results

Great American Rail-Trail

3743.9 mi
State: DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY
Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Jane Addams Trail

18.9 mi
State: IL
Asphalt, Crushed Stone

Lowell Parkway Trail

3.5 mi
State: IL

Hennepin Canal State Trail

93 mi
State: IL
Asphalt, Grass, Gravel

Joe Stengel Trail

7.9 mi
State: IL
Ballast, Grass, Gravel
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Note: This developing route is not yet fully contiguous – it is just over 50% complete. Please refer to the Trail Map for more information on the existing sections of trail, as well as the online...
DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY 3743.9 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone
Overview The Jane Addams Trail runs for 18.9 miles between Orangeville and Freeport, following a rail line that the Illinois Central built in 1887 between Freeport, Illinois, and Madison,...
IL 18.9 mi Asphalt, Crushed Stone
The Lowell Parkway Trail runs through the charming town of Dixon, Illinois, boyhood home of Ronald Reagan. The trail occupies the rail bed of the old Illinois Central Railroad, between Lowell Park and...
IL 3.5 mi Asphalt
Overview The Hennepin Canal State Trail stretches for 93 miles in northwest Illinois along an old canal towpath. The trail is administered as a State Park by the Illinois Department of Natural...
IL 93 mi Asphalt, Grass, Gravel
The Joe Stengel Trail follows an old railroad corridor for 7 miles between the town of Polo and the much smaller community of Woosung. The trail corridor traces farm country along a route scattered...
IL 7.9 mi Ballast, Grass, Gravel

Recent Trail Reviews

Jane Addams Trail

Nice trail

December, 2024 by malysaamy

Rode late September right before official hunting season. Not a lot of people on it. But to be safe, we carried blaze orange. parked at Wes Block trailhead as the long road out from Freeport is just bad trail riding next to an interstate. Trail is dirt, with some repairs and gravel. Rode up to the state line and the Badger Trail out and back. There were some beautiful spots, but also some lone wolves walking the trail looking sketchy and a hunter on an ATV at twilight. If you wanted to do an overnighter up to Madison and back the next day, you could park at the hotel right near the WB trailhead. Not sure I would do this trail again though as it was a long drive for a day ride from the suburbs.

Jane Addams Trail

Great trail

October, 2024 by ggroth99

Have ridden this trail multiple times over the past couple of years. Generally ride from the trailhead by Hwy 20 to Orangeville. Trail is well maintained and generally flat, and fairly empty of people, a few joggers on the South end. As with all the limestone trails, there's a few holes here and there from the local furry creatures. Pit toilets at Hwy 20 & Orangeville, a portolet at Red Oak. There's a BP gas station right across from the pavilion in Orangeville. Specific highlights are the old buildings from the railroad in Scioto Mills, and saw sand cranes inhabiting the wetlands south of Orangeville.

Jane Addams Trail

Beautiful and quiet

October, 2024 by shanlalond

Rode our hybrids from Freeport Public Library to trail and followed it to the state line. Found it to be well maintained, flat and very little bike traffic. We biked on a Friday morning. FYI the library has paper maps of the trail.


Great American Rail-Trail

such a beautiful trail!

October, 2024 by sherryschie

We started in Akron and rode about 18 miles north. Loved it!!!

Hennepin Canal State Trail

It was fine…

October, 2024 by ogre395

Rode from Colona to Bureau early October. The trail was dry and in good enough condition to average 9-10mph. There was lots of animal and bird life. I was surprised at how few people I saw. It was very peaceful. The only trail hazard of note were walnuts in the path. I did notice that there could be issues if it is wet. Drainage and mud could be a problem. I do ride a Surly Ogre with 29x2.35 tires and 45 lbs of gear on it. Navigation was not a problem.

Hennepin Canal State Trail

It was fine…

October, 2024 by ogre395

Rode from Colona to Bureau early October. The trail was dry and in good enough condition to average 9-10mph. There was lots of animal and bird life. I was surprised at how few people I saw. It was very peaceful. The only trail hazard of note were walnuts in the path. I did notice that there could be issues if it is wet. Drainage and mud could be a problem. I do ride a Surly Ogre with 29x2.35 tires and 45 lbs of gear on it. Navigation was not a problem.

Clinton Discovery Trail

Gorgeous in parts

September, 2024 by katie.burke

The north most section has wonderful river views, picnic tables & benches. Then the trail runs along a heavy industrial area & is pretty ugly. The trail is also appears longer than the map indicates, but we turned back based on the map’s endpoint & poor scenery. TrailLink gives little mention to Eagle Point Park at the north end which is just amazing. If you just load/unload in their parking lot you will have missed the very best of the trail.

Galena River Trail

Super Trail!

September, 2024 by dpate

The Galena River Trail is well packed crushed stone suited for road bike tires. It meanders through the woods along the river and to the Mississippi River. There is a section that shares the road with death machines that are supposed to yield. This section has larger looser rock. Overall I rate this trail 5 stars and I recommend checking it out. Traveling cyclist Facebook

Great American Rail-Trail

West bound from Ellensburg. August 2024

August, 2024 by tastesbadtobears

We ( recumbent trike & e-bike) headed West from the Kiwanis park. Turned around after 9km as the surface was really tough on the trike. There’s 2 good wheel tracks for bikes, but the trike had to ride partially in the coarse trail ballast. Scenic area with farm views and a huge windmill farm in the distance.

Duck Creek Recreational Trail

Having the trail link map helped since there are many on and off paths that look like the trail. Stay in your lane when busy. Will do this trail again. Very nice ride, plenty of bathrooms, and a nice pavilion at the west end.

July, 2024 by traillink user

Having the trail link map helped since there are many on and off paths that look like the trail. Stay in your lane when busy. Will do this trail again. Very nice ride, plenty of bathrooms, and a nice pavilion at the west end.

Great River Trail

Great River Disappoints

June, 2024 by kevin.gruneisen

June 19, 2024 (11:30AM)
Rode the Great River Trail as day two of our Mississippi trip. I was not happy with the trip at all. Let me tell you why. The trail is 60+ miles long and stretches from Savanna, IL to the Rock Island, IL area. Having read the reviews we drove up Hwy 84 to just south of Savanna. We could see the trail along the way, asphalt but a lot of cracks/bumps, dips and yikes areas. We saw maybe 2 bikers. Our starting point ended up at Spring Lake, just south of Savanna. It was a good spot and there is a 4 mile trail around this lake, which we did not do, but wished we had. Going south, our plan was to get to Thomson and grab a lunch. The weather was hot with just enough wind, out of the south, to be annoying. At first the trail was a perfect rails to trails; asphalt path, a little cluttered but ok. We rounded a turn at a nice visitors center and then the niceness ended; as did the trail. We ended up on a country road; Riverview Road; which is a road but there were limited glimpses of the river. Traffic was light therefore we had no trouble with cars/trucks. We kept waiting for the trail to pick back up but it never did. This was our main disappointment. The saving grace was Dusty's, in Thomson, IL. The friendly staff took good care of us, cooling us down and getting us some lunch. We flipped back north, past the federal penitentiary, on the country road, this time with the wind at our backs. All in all we did 16 miles with 157 feet of elevation. This was a one time trail for us. I look back at the trail map and it does show Riverview Road, however I wanted to make sure, with this review, that other riders understood that they would be on a country road.

Mississippi River Trail (Riverdale to Davenport)

Mississippi River Trail - Davenport

June, 2024 by kevin.gruneisen

June 18, 2024 (12:30PM)
We rode the river trail on the 18th of June. It was hot and windy (winds out of the East/South East @15 MPH gusting to 25MPH). We parked south of Davenport at the trail head on Credit Island and rode to the Pat and Jack Bush Scenic Overlook, which provides a nice view of the river. The total round trip was 16.6 miles, with a lunch stop at Front Street Pub in Davenport. The ride had very little elevation, about 25 feet. The wind was a big factor for us as was the heat. There is little to no protection on this ride from the sun. It is all out in the open. The path was very nice, clean and paved. Will do it again, maybe starting at Riverdale and go south.

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