Richmond, KY Birding Trails and Maps

63 Reviews

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8 Results

Brighton East Rail Trail

2.4 mi
State: KY

Coolavin Rail Trail

0.6 mi
State: KY

Legacy Trail (KY)

11 mi
State: KY

Hope Center Trail

0.3 mi
State: KY

Liberty Park Trail

1.4 mi
State: KY

Squires Road Trail

1.3 mi
State: KY

South Elkhorn Trail

0.5 mi
State: KY

Town Branch Trail (KY)

2.2 mi
State: KY
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
The Brighton East Rail Trail was Fayette County's first, opening in 2007. The original 1-mile trail through recent residential development between Bryant Road and Pleasant Ridge Park proved...
KY 2.4 mi Asphalt
The Coolavin Rail Trail runs for a half mile in northern Lexington's Smithtown neighborhood. The paved pathway begins on a quiet street adjacent to the Transylvania University Athletics Complex and...
KY 0.6 mi Asphalt
Overview    The Legacy Trail treks an 11-mile paved path through northern areas of Lexington, Kentucky. Running north-to-south, between the Kentucky Horse Park and Northside Lexington, this...
KY 11 mi Asphalt
Although short in length, the Hope Center Trail provides an important connection between two other trails in Lexington’s northern neighborhoods. The paved, 0.3-mile pathway gets its name from the Hope...
KY 0.3 mi Asphalt
Liberty Park heads north from the west end of the Brighton East Rail Trail in Lexington. Following Liberty Road somewhat, the trail crosses Star Shoot Parkway, where it provides access to Liberty...
KY 1.4 mi Asphalt
Squires Road Trail is a 1.3 mile multiuse trail on the southeast edge of Lexington, KY. The trail begins on Squires Road and threads through neighborhoods until its terminus at Summerhill Road....
KY 1.3 mi Asphalt
The South Elkhorn Trail is a short community path in the southern reaches of Lexington, Kentucky. The rail-with-trail skirts the edge of the new housing developments centered on Newbury Way and...
KY 0.5 mi Asphalt
Town Branch Trail in northwest Lexington currently extends between Leestown Road and Alexandria Road, following an old railroad corridor between a subdivision and cultivated fields. Plans call for...
KY 2.2 mi Asphalt

Recent Trail Reviews

Legacy Trail (KY)

great trail

October, 2024 by sewso1962

Husband and I are new EBike riders. We haven’t ridden bikes in 30+ years. We loved this trail. We try to be respectful when approaching other bikers and runners. We parked at Coldstream and rode north to horse park. Rode into the campground and stopped for ice cream in camp store. I have read comments about road noise from I-75, but honestly the trail and scenery are still beautiful. We rode about 15 miles after meandering a bit off trail at Horse park. We rode on Saturday and there were a lot of people on the path but everyone shared i

Legacy Trail (KY)

Great Experience.

October, 2024 by michaelshaffer_tl

My son and I hiked the trail for one of his Scout merit badges. A well maintained trail. Most cyclists were courteous about saying “passing on left”. There is water and picnic tables and restrooms at mile marker 5.6. There are also port-a-pots in a few other areas along the way. Our route took us from the Horse Park to the end of the trail and back. We did take a couple of the shorter trails off the main trail. Overall a great experience.

Legacy Trail (KY)

Good job UK & City of Lexington

July, 2024 by mollyrollins008

Wife, special needs adult son & I rode about 2/3rds of the Legacy Trail on 7/25/2024. We had been in town this week visiting family, who had previously mentioned this bike trail, so I was looking forward to experiencing it. We started at the North end, noontime, with the July heat making itself known. The ride was overall pleasant, despite a considerable amount of time spent in close proximity to I64/I75. The only issue we experienced was losing our way (due to inadequate signage) near Coldstream Park. We ended up at an apparent dead end at Aristides Drive, near the Embassy Suites & Marriott & it took about 20 minutes of wrangling, looking at maps on our phones & asking locals how to get back on the main path to get on our way. I was looking forward to completing the entire trail, but the detour and last portion along Citation Drive in the afternoon July heat sapped the remaining commitment we had in finishing. We were able to get a tasty lunch at Jimmy John's and after this break, we were able to do the return trip with no issues. It appears that south to north is more downhill, making it easier. Will definitely ride again next time back in the area. Thanks for a good time!!


Legacy Trail (KY)

Good trail, bring your own water

May, 2024 by 170uiedz

No water on trail

Legacy Trail (KY)

Legacy Trail

April, 2024 by emroth

Well paved trail. Rode from YMCA to the end and back. About 24 miles total. We had a good ride with beautiful scenery. Some hills but not too bad. We did hear the traffic noise 60-70% of the time.

Squires Road Trail

Hills...but it's Kentucky

March, 2024 by luv_mlb25

I ran this trail in March 2024. The review that has been submitted stated that the trail was short and flat. It is short, but it is not flat. The trail legend shows it's split in to three legs, but a person could absolutely do the whole stretch without any issue. There is little to no traffic and even though you do cross a couple of roads, the cars were kind enough to let me run through. There is a slow steep hill through Berry Park and then the rest of the path runs behind a neighborhood of houses. I parked in the "middle" of the three trails at the above-mentioned park and ran southwest first and this was a steady up and down path. It looks as though it has just been repaired as there were still signs of freshly planted grass and straw along the path. However, sadly, there are sinking holes already in the path and even a huge crater in part of it. I then did a loop, returning to the park and then up the northeastern part of the trail. This runs through a cul-de-sac and is an easy road run until the trail picks up again just cross Alumni Drive. The northern part of the trail is mostly shaded and wide with a nice creek running through. I felt safe and the trail seemed to be clear of trash. Not sure I would run this again if I were to return to the area just based on the hills alone. I was just in the area for an overnight stay and needed to fit in a quick 5K before a long car ride home.

Legacy Trail (KY)

Safe for a Solo Ridee

September, 2023 by jfloweresq

I’m in Lexington for business - whenever I’m in a new city - I try to checkout the bike trail. The Legacy Trail did not disappoint- I’m from Central Ohio and our trails are pancake flat - the Legacy Trail has enough elevation to get the heart rate up - but nothing the novice cyclist couldn’t handle. I enjoyed taking in the history in the trail and most importantly- I felt very safe as a solo female rider from out of town. The trail was full of friendly cyclists!

Hope Center Trail

broken glass on bike lanes

September, 2023 by kerr37938

We found ourselves on this trail thinking we were near the end of the legacy trail. There are nice bike lanes marked in green. We turned around due to the amount of broken glass on them . Found a beautiful fox mural on one of the buildings.

Legacy Trail (KY)

nice and relaxing

September, 2023 by gary.turner2

Ok there are some hills but all good. Nice maintained smooth. I approves. Hit Boonedogs afterwards and it was yummy.

Legacy Trail (KY)

Easy and Beautiful

June, 2023 by jeannemoss

We did an evening 8 mile ride (out n back). Very few people, birds singing, farm fields and I-75...but it was still perfect. Well maintained, easy access.

Brighton East Rail Trail

I haven't ridden my bike in 4 years! I looked like I had never been on a bike in my life. ¿ It is a great trail, no dogs chasing you and lots of houses in case you have a heart attack! Seriously, I give it ¿¿¿¿¿

June, 2023 by ko2pelli

I haven't ridden my bike in 4 years! I looked like I had never been on a bike in my life. ¿ It is a great trail, no dogs chasing you and lots of houses in case you have a heart attack! Seriously, I give it ¿¿¿¿¿

Squires Road Trail

Paved multiuser trail is short & flat. While not a destination trail, it is nicely shaded and worth a look if you are in the area.

September, 2022 by traillink user

Paved multiuser trail is short & flat. While not a destination trail, it is nicely shaded and worth a look if you are in the area.

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