Find the top rated atv trails in Fayetteville, whether you're looking for an easy short atv trail or a long atv trail, you'll find what you're looking for. Click on a atv trail below to find trail descriptions, trail maps, photos, and reviews.
Not so much this trail but all the others that attach to this one. Many spots with 4" of sand. Walking would be great. Bikes with narrow tires forget it. I have 3"tires and I fish tailed all over. Nice place and very clean. Restrooms were clean.
Beautiful trail, but would be better if there were lights along the trail despite the worries if it disturbs our wildlife.
Having lights would make the trail feel much safer to walk on, especially in the winter evenings when it gets darker earlier. Namely, the wooded area closer to Erwin would be ideal since it's a bit more remote than other sections of the trail.
Also, it would be worthwhile putting some porta johns along the trail for those who may need to use the bathroom.
Excellent trail. Unobstructed and scenic with all types of turns and bridges. Got an easy 10 here and could have went further. Love the mixed crowd; kids, bikers, runners and dogs. Super exciting to see so many people into fitness and outdoors.
Great ride today on a 95° day. Fortunately, a good portion of this trail is shaded. There were 47 bridges between APP and the end, very nice. The trail rises and falls a bit more than most trails, so you need more than a beach cruiser, but the grades are neither long nor steep for more cyclists. Watch the blind corners as some people tend to cut the corners a bit. Great trail overall!
*Way* too Sandy for my taste, even with a trail bike. Couldn't figure out which I disliked more: fishtailing when going downhill into sand or spinning out while trying to go uphill.