Lufkin, TX Dog Walking Trails and Maps

7 Reviews

Looking for the best Dog Walking trails around Lufkin?

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2 Results

Lanana Creek Trail

3.5 mi
State: TX
Asphalt, Dirt

Azalea Trail

1.8 mi
State: TX
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
The Lanana Creek Trail is approximately 3.5 miles long from E. Austin Street into the youth soccer complex just south of Main Street. The trail is an ongoing project of the Sesquicentennial...
TX 3.5 mi Asphalt, Dirt
The Azalea Trail offers glimpses of nature as it follows Hurricane Creek through the heart of Lufkin, an small east Texas city. Along the way, you'll enjoy views of native plants and small gardens,...
TX 1.8 mi Asphalt

Recent Trail Reviews

Azalea Trail

Nice paved trail

January, 2021 by judora_siknak

Walked about half of this trail today (midweek/mid morning). Was not crowed at all and was not a bad trail. Is paved and could be used for jogging, walking or biking. The only negative point I have is the creek that runs alongside the path has a lot of trash in it. Some looks like people are just throwing their trash into the creeks as they walk the trail and other trash looks to have been carried down the creek when water levels were high. There were not many garbage cans available along the trail for people to properly dispose of their trash ¿¿. Other then that eye sore, the trail was pleasant to walk.

Azalea Trail

good trail for jogging

September, 2020 by rios7916

Good trail for jogging

Lanana Creek Trail

My favorite trail

March, 2018 by kbugsimmons

Anytime I’m in nac, I like to go walking/running this trail. You can go all the way from the Hoya soccer fields to almost Kroger on university (one of the sfa buildings you can see Kroger from).


Lanana Creek Trail

Different Worlds

November, 2016 by wrtrnhrt

I moved to Nacogdoches a few months back and started walking for exercise more recently. As a result I have been exploring the many trails that Nac offers. Lanana Creek Trail is an excellent trek however there are things to factor in if you are planning to walk/jog/bike it. It actually runs from the north end of town to the south end of town and you can walk the entire length. The entire Trail between Starr Ave. and Austin St. is bike/stroller (and any other wheeled transport) friendly. It is entirely paved with the exception of a short stretch between Tucker Woods and the SFA grounds. That too though is wheel friendly. South of Starr Ave. is a different story. While it is still an excellent hike, there are natural steps formed by tree roots and rocks and such that make it difficult if not nearly impossible for wheeled transports.

Lanana Creek Trail

flood damage

July, 2015 by sharilee43

Have been on this trail twice in the last month. There are areas on the South end that have been damaged due to flooding and we were not able to get through. I have a Trek cruiser and my husband is disabled and has a hand bike so the major ruts and stairs prevented us from riding the entire trail. There are a few areas that have an area you can go around the bridges/stairs so hopefully when the water is down we can try again. Would appreciate any comments when it clears up! The northern part of the trail that goes through the campus and gardens is beautiful! Can't wait to try it again!

Lanana Creek Trail

Nature at it's best!

June, 2015 by morganlisa40

This trail has sun, shade, mud, grass, birds, squirrels, a beautiful creek, and so much more. I enjoy walking and running on it.

Lanana Creek Trail

Trail Needs Work

November, 2014 by streak1

Jogged on this trail during recent visit.Trail is uneven,has many exposed tree roots and is ok for walking but it is not a good trail for cycling or jogging.Much work is needed to make it conducive for jogging/biking.

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