Wells, ME Atv Trails and Maps

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2 Results

Sanford-Springvale Rail Trail

5.9 mi
State: ME
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Crossing through wooded areas and featuring magnificent wetland vistas, the Rockingham Recreational Rail Trail (Fremont Branch) offers an 18.3-mile trail adventure from Epping to Windham. The northern...
NH 18.3 mi Dirt, Sand
Overview  The Sanford-Springvale Rail Trail runs for 5.9 miles between Sanford and Springvale. The gravel trail traverses the woods on either side of Sanford’s scenic Springvale community as it...
ME 5.9 mi Gravel

Recent Trail Reviews

New Hampshire Seacoast Greenway

New Rail Trail of a decent length - addressing most of costal NH

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

Rode this trail several times since mid-September. It is a nice length - 8 miles so not too long for a round trip. It is a new trail with all crushed stone, and it is a straight run and sufficiently wide. The scenery is typical woods. The trail crosses roads 2-3 times that are not too busy and all have lights. The parking lot, which is immediately south of the Airfield Café, is a decent size.  The northern part of the trail ends by Route 1. Although I have not done it, you should be able to find your way into the city of Portsmouth from here using Islington St. or Middle Rd.

Salem Bike-Ped Corridor

The north is a great RT and the south funs along a major shopping highway

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

Trail connects seamlessly to Windham RT and Methuen RT and these two trails have connections to Derry RT and Spicket River Greenway for a total of 18.75 miles of connected trail.

The northern part of trail is like Windham (excellent), but southern part of trail (1-mile) runs along highway 28 and is not good hardpack (a black dirt gravel).  The trail is wide and protected from vehicles but there are lots of stops to let cars depart from stores along the route (lots of button pushing at traffic lights).

Rockingham Recreational Rail Trail (Portsmouth Branch)

One of the best in the state

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

Did on e-bikes with 2" tires in early October. Done in 2-segments of 14 miles each (started in Newfields and then in Manchester and worked way to middle). From Manchester there are several lakes/ponds, so it is more scenic.  Also, this segment has three railbed passes beneath the roads. You can stay on your bike for all but one - watch your head! Also the lead up and down to these tunnels is steep, so get some speed going up to them. From Newfield there are places to eat about 12 miles in.    The trail is mostly crushed stone & some dirt.


Windham Rail Trail

The best of three connected trails

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

Part of an excellent run of connected trails including Derry and Salem Bike-Ped. Wide trail with great scenery including water.

Londonderry Rail Trail

One of the best!

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

Excellent paved trail. Like Derry it can have lots of people.  Go during non-peak hours. Too bad it doesn't connect to another trail.  We went ¼ mile south of paved trail which was not bad (could only average 8-10 mph and reversed course at a rutted bridge.  One of the best finds of October (we did 24 trails).

Derry Rail Trail

Part of a great run of connected trails

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

Excellent and scenic trail. It starts just north of town.  Great connection to Windham Rail Trail.  Avoid peek exercise times as many visit this trail.

Dover Community Trail

One Trail with two distinct characteristics

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

Biked in October on e-bikes with 2" tires. From 33 Chestnut St (Dover).  Went S (1 mile) and back then N (3 miles) and back.  South is as much town as trail and is well paved.  It also is tricky to find your way on the trail as it goes through the back of stores. We found someone to follow.  The trip north is mostly dirt terrain and has many rocks and sewer caps.  The trail varied from narrow to wide and had 2-spots where continuance was difficult to find, including spots by the bridge and a private drive (trail is on right of fence).  You cannot maintain speeds over 12 mph on this part of the trail. Whereas, I didn't mind picking my way through the terrain, my wife hated it. 

Cotton Valley Rail Trail

Everything you can want in a rail trail

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

A real rail trail.¿ A little danger if you hit the rails.¿ You move from within, to the sides a lot. Worth the risk.  Great scenery and condition.  Biked with e-bike with 2.1" tires. Expect Wolfeboro to be crowded during summer and fall weekends.  After the 12-mile ride to Wolfeboro, there are many wonderful places to stop for a bite to eat and drink.  Of 20 Rail Trials we rode in October, this was one of the top two crushed stone trails we rode in NH.

Rockingham Recreational Rail Trail (Portsmouth Branch)

Nice views

October, 2024 by arlene.deardorff

We started in Manchester and rode east. The first 3 miles the surface was packed gravel with fall leaves but no rocks. We rode another 2 miles and found the path very bumpy with thicker gravel and rocks protruding. We have 2 inch tires but it wasn’t fun for us. We wanted to bike to Raymond but turned around. We have biked on other packed trails in NH without any issues but this path was worse after 3 miles.

Groveland Community Trail

I use this trail as a connection after I get off Bradford rail trail take Salem st to this trail. Ride it until the end. Then your on the Border to Boston trail.

October, 2024 by jhngrgr307

I use this trail as a connection after I get off Bradford rail trail take Salem st to this trail. Ride it until the end. Then your on the Border to Boston trail.

WOW Trail

wow trail

September, 2024 by r1paull

Sept 30th not a good trail ! We ran into several meth heads and police taking them into custody, Scarey stuff to say the least. We will not be back.

West Foss Farm Trail

Nice easy trail until it crosses the stream then turns into more challenging path. Small elevation changes. Lots of mosquitoes since it goes next to a stream/bog/swamp

September, 2024 by hrradness

Nice easy trail until it crosses the stream then turns into more challenging path. Small elevation changes. Lots of mosquitoes since it goes next to a stream/bog/swamp

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