Westbrook, ME Snowmobiling Trails and Maps

227 Reviews

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5 Results

Papermill Trail

3.97 mi
State: ME

Conway Branch

21 mi
State: NH
Ballast, Gravel

Cotton Valley Rail Trail

12 mi
State: NH

Farmington Recreational Rail-Trail

6 mi
State: NH
Ballast, Cinder, Dirt, Gravel, Sand

Sanford-Springvale Rail Trail

5.9 mi
State: ME
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Overview The Papermill Trail celebrates the heritage of mills in the development of the town of Lisbon and the surrounding area while providing an easy, pleasant 4-mile trail experience for users...
ME 3.97 mi Asphalt
The Conway Branch trail runs for 21 miles along an old rail corridor between State Route 113 in Conway and Polly's Crossing in Ossipee. The trail is popular with snowmobiles and rail car clubs; the...
NH 21 mi Ballast, Gravel
Overview The Cotton Valley Rail Trail connects the small town of Wakefield, near the Maine border, and the quintessentially quaint New England vacation town of Wolfeboro. In 2017 the towns held a...
NH 12 mi Gravel
The Farmington Recreational Rail-Trail runs for 6 miles between the towns of Rochester and Farmington. The trail parallels the Cocheco River and State Route 11 through a wooded corridor. The trail is...
NH 6 mi Ballast, Cinder, Dirt, Gravel, Sand
Overview  The Sanford-Springvale Rail Trail runs for 5.9 miles between Sanford and Springvale. The gravel trail traverses the woods on either side of Sanford’s scenic Springvale community as it...
ME 5.9 mi Gravel

Recent Trail Reviews

New Hampshire Seacoast Greenway

New Rail Trail of a decent length - addressing most of costal NH

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

Rode this trail several times since mid-September. It is a nice length - 8 miles so not too long for a round trip. It is a new trail with all crushed stone, and it is a straight run and sufficiently wide. The scenery is typical woods. The trail crosses roads 2-3 times that are not too busy and all have lights. The parking lot, which is immediately south of the Airfield Café, is a decent size.  The northern part of the trail ends by Route 1. Although I have not done it, you should be able to find your way into the city of Portsmouth from here using Islington St. or Middle Rd.

Dover Community Trail

One Trail with two distinct characteristics

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

Biked in October on e-bikes with 2" tires. From 33 Chestnut St (Dover).  Went S (1 mile) and back then N (3 miles) and back.  South is as much town as trail and is well paved.  It also is tricky to find your way on the trail as it goes through the back of stores. We found someone to follow.  The trip north is mostly dirt terrain and has many rocks and sewer caps.  The trail varied from narrow to wide and had 2-spots where continuance was difficult to find, including spots by the bridge and a private drive (trail is on right of fence).  You cannot maintain speeds over 12 mph on this part of the trail. Whereas, I didn't mind picking my way through the terrain, my wife hated it. 

Cotton Valley Rail Trail

Everything you can want in a rail trail

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

A real rail trail.¿ A little danger if you hit the rails.¿ You move from within, to the sides a lot. Worth the risk.  Great scenery and condition.  Biked with e-bike with 2.1" tires. Expect Wolfeboro to be crowded during summer and fall weekends.  After the 12-mile ride to Wolfeboro, there are many wonderful places to stop for a bite to eat and drink.  Of 20 Rail Trials we rode in October, this was one of the top two crushed stone trails we rode in NH.


North Conway Recreation Path

A paved Trail in the northern part of the state!

November, 2024 by georgerisktaker

Short, but there are some local add-on trails at both ends of the trail.  Add on trails are mostly dirt and mostly for mountain bikes but our e-bikes allowed us to add a mile to the adventure. 

North Conway Recreation Path

Lovely easy trail. Brand new with lots of benches and area information.

October, 2024 by ltoth3123

Lovely easy trail. Brand new with lots of benches and area information.

Papermill Trail

Beautiful Trail

September, 2024 by smilecebh511

Really enjoyed our ebike ride to and from beginning to end and back. Easy parking right over the bridge from Mill apartments on the left! So well maintained, scenic and safe feeling for 2 seniors. Delicious pizza in Lisbon Falls.

Androscoggin River Bicycle Path

Short and noisy

September, 2024 by andrix

So, the positives first. It's a well paved trail with views to a picturesque river.
However, forget the "ring your bell" or "on your left" helps. The proximity to Rt 1 (sometimes within 15 ft. or so) - and the associated traffic noise - all but end any communication, signals, or thoughts of a nice scenic contemplative ride. Also, parking at either end was sparse. And, yes, somewhat thankfully, it is short. A one and done.

West Foss Farm Trail

Nice easy trail until it crosses the stream then turns into more challenging path. Small elevation changes. Lots of mosquitoes since it goes next to a stream/bog/swamp

September, 2024 by hrradness

Nice easy trail until it crosses the stream then turns into more challenging path. Small elevation changes. Lots of mosquitoes since it goes next to a stream/bog/swamp

Cotton Valley Rail Trail

cotton valley trail

September, 2024 by frbauer_tl

So this trail has a hidden risk. Going from trail on the side of the rails to inside the rails can be tricky. My wife fell twice and skinned her knee pretty good. Also trail is narrow and has lots of walkers with dogs. Views are good near wolfboro but after that it’s a tree tunnel. Don’t need to do it again.

Eastern Trail

comfortable ride; well marked trail

August, 2024 by philgautreau

We cycled 20 miles, starting at bug Light in South Portland to Scarborough. Mostly flat, asphalt surface. Some riding on bike path along street traffic but most riding is on the separate bike path along water and in green areas. Highly recommend for an easy ride.

Cotton Valley Rail Trail

Good trail

August, 2024 by carlbrunning99

I rode the full trail starting in Wakefield at the Turntable park ( which had a good sized parking lot) to Wolfeboro and back. Smooth surface with packed gravel and stone dust. Watch yourself on the crossing when going over the rails so you don’t catch a wheel and go for a header. Good day of biking.

Mountain Division Trail

Also called Sebago to the Sea Trail Section 4

August, 2024 by barbworks1

A lovely and fairly easy asphalt paved bike ride. I started in South Windham off Route 202 south of Rt 302. This app shows the parking at the Post Office but there is public parking south of the Post Office. There are signs on Rt 202 to show the Public Parking. Apparently, in 2023 the local Boy Scouts did some work to mark the parking and trail. Look for the little white signs “Sebago to the Sea Trail”. Park in the lot across from the Windham Fire Rescue South Station. Find the trail by looking at the Fire Station, look left and walk between the two buildings to a little grad & gravel trail. If you turn left, walk or ride behind the building about 100 yards to cross ice a 202 to the start of the asphalt path. If you turn right, the grass and gravel travel continues.

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