Brownsville, TX Wheelchair Accessible Trails and Maps

12 Reviews

Looking for the best Wheelchair Accessible trails around Brownsville?

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9 Results

Historic Battlefield Trail

10.1 mi
State: TX
Asphalt, Boardwalk

West Rail Trail

6.6 mi
State: TX

Paseo de la Resaca Community Trail

7 mi
State: TX
Boardwalk, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Southmost Nature Trail

1.7 mi
State: TX

Arroyo Colorado Hike & Bike Trail

4.6 mi
State: TX
Asphalt, Boardwalk

Belden Trail

1 mi
State: TX

Heavin Resaca Trail

2.6 mi
State: TX

Meg Jorn Trail

4.1 mi
State: TX
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Get your fill of American history at the Historic Battlefield Trail in Brownsville, Texas. This unique ten-mile rail-trail runs from the heart of Brownsville in the south through the Palo Alto...
TX 10.1 mi Asphalt, Boardwalk
Running through the city of Brownsville, the West Rail Trail follows a former Union Pacific rail corridor and provides an essential link in the city's connected trail loop. It parallels another...
TX 6.6 mi Asphalt
The Paseo de la Resaca Community Trail is a 7-mile meandering multiuse path in Brownsville, Texas. Surrounded by residential neighborhoods, the scenic concrete trail runs along a network of tranquil...
TX 7 mi Boardwalk, Concrete, Crushed Stone
The Southmost Nature Trail is a concrete multi-use path in Brownsville, Texas. The first phase of the eventual 7-mile trail was opened in May 2017 and extends 1.75 miles, connecting to Porter High...
TX 1.7 mi Concrete
Overview The Arroyo Colorado Hike & Bike Trail offers a 4.6-mile paved route across Harlingen, which is situated in the heart of the Rio Grande Valley in southern Texas.  About the...
TX 4.6 mi Asphalt, Boardwalk
The Belden Trail is a short neighborhood path in west Brownsville, which opened on an abandoned Union Pacific Railroad (formerly St. Louis, Brownsville & Mexico Railway) corridor in 2013. The smooth...
TX 1 mi Concrete
A resaca is a type of channel that through flooding and sediment deposits, was cut off from the Rio Grande. These channels are unique to the southern part of Cameron County, and are recognized for...
TX 2.6 mi Asphalt
Overview The Hidalgo County Precinct 2 Regional Hike and Bike Trail connects 3 major areas: the City of McAllen, the City of Pharr, and the City of San Juan. A majority of the 3.5-mile route...
TX 3.47 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The Meg Jorn Trail runs north-south through Harlingen, connecting several neighborhoods and important destinations in the city, such as Bonham Elementary School. Its northern tip ends close to Texas...
TX 4.1 mi Asphalt

Recent Trail Reviews

Arroyo Colorado Hike & Bike Trail


September, 2024 by brian_thomas

I rode an e-bike on this winding leisurely trail. My favorite part was going under several overpasses and a train bridge. There are also several pedestrian bridges as the path crisscrosses back-and-forth across the water. I saw several walkers, both individuals and families. It seemed like everyone felt safe. At the trailhead, there are restrooms, parking, and playground equipment. I also saw three e-bikes that could be rented, but I noticed they all had flat tires. It seems the trail is prone to flooding, and there were several places where standing water or dried mud covered the trail. At the points where spurs connected to the trail, it was not always obvious which fork to take and parts of it were a little overgrown and in need of some trimming and mowing. I would not say this is a “destination” trail, but if you’re visiting or live nearby, it was time well spent.

Paseo de la Resaca Community Trail

Safe Paved Wide Long Trail

October, 2023 by jennaserrano87

Our hike at Paseo de la Resaca today was awesome! Here's what you need to know if you plan on taking these trails. . • the trails wind in and out of neighborhoods. There are lots of people, families, dogs, and wide paved paths. I felt really safe even being separated from the group. . .Good for walking, running , biking &, skating. . • Trail length is 7mi. • • today was perfect weather. But I imagine the heat gets a little ridiculous when the sun is out. . .There are water stations but few and far between. . .bathrooms are ONLY at the beginning of the trail and they are GROSS . So, if you drank coffee before your hike... may want to do your biz at home before you go... . . when you're headed back towards the parking area on the opposite side of the resaca, the trail only cuts back over at Paredes Line Rd. We made the mistake of going under the overpass thinking the trail would cross back over to the parking area but it didn't and we had to walk back to paredes and cross over. It was very scenic and relaxing. Lots of ducks & and birds. Pretty quiet even though it's in a busy area.

Historic Battlefield Trail

More than a trail…..

June, 2023 by rmzgmd

I spent the last years on the Board of the Rails to Trails Conservancy. My husband and I have ridden trails all over the country….some shaded, some not, some asphalt, some not, some thru quaint towns, some thru the middle of nowhere and more. In each and every case we stopped to learn more about where we were and the “story” behind the trail or the journey along the trail. By doing so our ride was enriched and we “saw more”, “felt more”, and “took away more.” The Battlefield Trail is in Deep South Texas on the Mexican border. It is called the Battlefield Trail because it takes the rider/walker along the same path that the soldiers took during the Mexican American war. There were 3 battles fought along the trail and the Americans won. There are 3 National Park/Historic spots on the trail to mark this history. In essence the trail tells the story of how we became who we are and how this region became America instead of Mexico. What it lacks in shade it overflows with segments of the original pockets of the Rio Grande, birds galore who live here and migrate thru here (we are a major fly corridor), and a stunning collection of flowering cactus (if you visit at the right time of year). If however you do not know this you might simply see a flat area with sparse shade. At it’s southernmost end you begin at Fort Brown and it’s earthen wall ruins, ride thru downtown (our downtown has more historic intact buildings than any other city in Texas except San Antonio), up the Mitte Cultural District (visit the Farmers Market on Sat) where you can stop at a great coffee shop or check out the Gladys Porter zoo. Keep going and you will see several small lakes (we call them resacas) and plenty of swan, heron, and more. Continue to the far north and you can ride into the National Park and learn the history while you spot the famous nilgae (Asian antelope) in the brush. All in all a full ride with history, nature, culture and plenty of selfie spots! The next day you should check out the West Rail Trail on the west side of town from Palm Blvd to the Flea Market. Brand new after a 10 year struggle to acquire the right of way… and interesting! Worth a 35 min drive from SPI……absolutely positively!


Historic Battlefield Trail

great trail that is 35 min from South Padre

June, 2023 by jude.benavides

This is a straight old rail trail. It is well maintained and well-protected at crossings. Passes many cultural and historical sites and one view over a resaca (old river channel of Rio Grande) is stunning at sunset. Not sure what some other reviewers expected in the coastal plains and river delta of south Texas. There are coffee shops, a bike shop, river scenes, National park service park, tons of bird watching, a beautiful university campus with river features and beautiful architecture But yeah. Nothing to see here. ;)

West Rail Trail

great new trail

June, 2023 by jude.benavides

The west rail trail connects the western side of Brownsville from north to south. It has a great mix of urban and semi-urban landscape. It crossed over and through resacas (old Rio Grande river beds - some with water and others with low-lying vegetation). It is easily accessible and well-lighted at night. Major road crossings are protected with quick responding crossing lights. Trail is new and in great shape. Connects to other trails that enables circling through Bville

Historic Battlefield Trail

Wish there were more in the area

April, 2022 by pjschaumberg

After reading a couple of the other reviews was not expecting it to be nearly as nice as it was. This, in my opinion, is a beautiful trail. it runs mostly thru residential and urban areas. There are several "rest stops" on the trail as well. There are a couple areas where the trail passes construction zones or houses where the residents do not keep their yards nice but what can you do in this case.

I have ridden several trails across this great country and if this one is not scenic for the area its in, I don't know what would be. You can't expect a Grand Canyon view without the Grand Canyon. This is exactly what it should be in south Texas, a nice clean trail, fully paved and perfect for the area.

My only wish is that there were more 10+ mile long trails to ride in the general vacinity. One other review said not worth the drive from South Padre. We stayed on Padre and the drive was 38 minutes one way to get to the trail, again, what more could you ask for.

Southmost Nature Trail

Nice walking path

December, 2021 by suehaglin

If you’re looking for a nice walking path (on a sidewalk), this is it. We accessed it from Burton Drive (see picture). Most of the path goes along the canal. The first 2/3 of this walk is a nice setting. After E 30th Street, (toward the end of the path), the path goes right along the backs of houses where are there are some large loud dogs in fences.

Historic Battlefield Trail

A bit confusing to follow leaving downtown area near the campus but if you follow the map it works pretty well. Flat, uncrowded trail.

March, 2020 by phigg74

A bit confusing to follow leaving downtown area near the campus but if you follow the map it works pretty well. Flat, uncrowded trail.

Paseo de la Resaca Community Trail

Very nice

January, 2020 by donjpape

Very nice

Historic Battlefield Trail

Protected trail in SPI area

January, 2020 by jkhiser

This may not be the most "scenic" trail, but the scenery does match the area. Well protected & separated from traffic. One single overpass to cross at north end, otherwise totally flat.

Southmost Nature Trail

Nice concrete paths

February, 2019 by grootscoop

My husband and I took our three kids on this path on our online skates. We parked at the school. The start of the trail was just around the corner. We were a bit nervous skating by the busy street with the kids to get to the trail. We were impressed with the smooth concrete path — perfect for skating! The path itself followed a canal (not exactly scenic, but we did see a few water birds). The first part of the trail went behind a residential area. The houses had fenced yards, but many of them had angry barking dogs. The trail crossed the canal with a nice bridge, then crossed a busy street. Crossing the street on skates with the kids wasn’t ideal, but I can imagine it would be fine for pedestrians. The rest of the trail was very nice. It was farther away from the residential area and there were several nice covered picnic areas. We skated happily to the end of the trail where it ended at another busy street. We turned around and skated back to our car. There wasn’t much shade along the trail. We were there between 5 pm and 6 pm. There were about a dozen others enjoying the trail. Thank you!

Historic Battlefield Trail

Not very scenic

February, 2018 by themnmoores

We just returned from a trip the South Padre Island this February. One windy day we ventured into Brownsville to ride this trail as it was supposed to be warmer and less windy in Brownsville that day. Warmer yes, less windy no. We started in town and rode towards the battle field into a 20-30 MPH wind. Not much for wind protection on this trail. After being a bit convoluted getting through the first couple of miles the trail basically runs through the housing areas of Brownsville on a greenway corridor. There is some water, but overall not a very scenic ride. Glad we went in to ride it but we would not take the couple of hour drive time from South Padre Island in the future. BTW, I am not rating the trail based on the wind that day as those things happen and are not the trails fault.

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