Jacksonville, TX Dog Walking Trails and Maps

28 Reviews

Looking for the best Dog Walking trails around Jacksonville?

Find the top rated dog walking trails in Jacksonville, whether you're looking for an easy short dog walking trail or a long dog walking trail, you'll find what you're looking for. Click on a dog walking trail below to find trail descriptions, trail maps, photos, and reviews.

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6 Results

Guthrie Trail

3.7 mi
State: TX
Boardwalk, Concrete

Lanana Creek Trail

3.5 mi
State: TX
Asphalt, Dirt

Paul G. Boorman Trail

2.9 mi
State: TX

Tyler Legacy Trails

4.2 mi
State: TX

Rudman Loop Trail

1.2 mi
State: TX
Asphalt, Concrete

Cargill Long Park Trail

3 mi
State: TX
Asphalt, Concrete
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Starting at the trail's northern endpoint at Walnut Hills Parking Lot at Cargill Long Park, where the Cargill Long Park Trail also starts off, Guthrie Trail follows Oakland Creek through a...
TX 3.7 mi Boardwalk, Concrete
The Lanana Creek Trail is approximately 3.5 miles long from E. Austin Street into the youth soccer complex just south of Main Street. The trail is an ongoing project of the Sesquicentennial...
TX 3.5 mi Asphalt, Dirt
As one of the three multi-use trails in Longview, Texas, the Paul G. Boorman Trail (named after a long-time city employee) runs for three miles along Grace Creek. Along its route it passes the Paul G....
TX 2.9 mi Concrete
The first phase of Tyler's Legacy Trails consists of 4.2 miles of 10-foot-wide concrete trails with portions running on the eastern and western sides of Old Jacksonville Highway. The eastern...
TX 4.2 mi Concrete
The Rudman Loop Trail, located within Rose Rudman Park on the southern end of Tyler, is part of a larger trail system called the Rose Rudman Recreational Trail. The paved trail meanders for just over...
TX 1.2 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The Cargill Long Park Trail runs for 3 miles through the Texas city of Longview. The trail follows an old rail bed along a wooded corridor among suburban neighborhoods and parks. The trail is open...
TX 3 mi Asphalt, Concrete

Recent Trail Reviews

Tyler Legacy Trails

safe for runners

June, 2024 by lhale794

This is a nice shaded safe trail for runners.

Paul G. Boorman Trail

Longview’s connecting trails are hidden gems

October, 2023 by hallsvillenana

Longview is listed to have three trails, Cargill, Guthrie and Boorman. This is true BUT all three connect seamlessly!! You can bike from one end to the other making for a 10 mile one way trip or 20 miles round trip! The trails are beautifully landscaped and cared for with benches and workout stations. Highly populated with beautiful cardinals and an occasional bunny rabbit. Green grass beautiful and always mowed length of Boorman trail and Guthrie Trail. Trail is wide concrete on these two. Cargill portion has many more hills, but is also beautiful, but asphalt surface. These trails are so shady and therefore beautiful in the

Cargill Long Park Trail

Longview’s trails connect!

October, 2023 by hallsvillenana

Longview is listed to have three trails, Cargill, Guthrie and Boorman. This is true BUT all three connect seamlessly!! You can bike from one end to the other making for a 10 mile one way trip or 20 miles round trip! The trails are beautifully landscaped and cared for with benches and workout stations. Highly populated with beautiful cardinals and an occasional bunny rabbit. Green grass beautiful and always mowed length of Boorman trail and Guthrie Trail. Trail is wide concrete on these two. Cargill portion has many more hills, but is also beautiful, but asphalt surface. These trails are so shady and therefore beautiful in the


Guthrie Trail

Longview gem

October, 2023 by hallsvillenana

Longview is listed to have three trails, Cargill, Guthrie and Boorman. This is true BUT all three connect seamlessly!! You can bike from one end to the other making for a 10 mile one way trip or 20 miles round trip! The trails are beautifully landscaped and cared for with benches and workout stations. Highly populated with beautiful cardinals and an occasional bunny rabbit. Green grass beautiful and always mowed length of Boorman trail and Guthrie Trail. Trail is wide concrete on these two. Cargill portion has many more hills, but is also beautiful, but asphalt surface. These trails are so shady and therefore beautiful in the fall.

Cargill Long Park Trail

I loved this trail

May, 2023 by rg3utilities

There is 3+ miles of this trail not on the map. I ran Cargill Long Park from 4th Street to Judson (1.76 miles) and only found 10’ wide perfect concrete. It wound between neighborhoods, over creeks, and under a bridge. I appreciate the City of Longview providing this trail system. Great place to run, walk, or bike.

Tyler Legacy Trails

Great trails for walking or biking

April, 2022 by ljhaygood

Beautiful place to walk in South Tyler. Plenty of shade and scenery walking alongside an old railroad path. Perfect for exercise and lots of fresh air.

Tyler Legacy Trails

Nice shaded trail with benches at both ends and at the half way mark. They now have bicycle tool/air stations at both ends and water fountains but no restrooms yet. Will be a great trail when expanded.

December, 2021 by sharilee43

Nice shaded trail with benches at both ends and at the half way mark. They now have bicycle tool/air stations at both ends and water fountains but no restrooms yet. Will be a great trail when expanded.

Tyler Legacy Trails

very nice

August, 2021 by murica89

Great trails. Concrete and wide. Perfect for a nice bike ride or walk. Nice area.

Paul G. Boorman Trail

Great for Dog Walking

April, 2021 by allie_sue

Great scenic trail for walking with the dogs. Large dog parks on the trail with fences.

Paul G. Boorman Trail

Nature Walk Trail

April, 2021 by tcross4you

This trail is very scenic and there is a lot of nature to take in! If you don’t mind snakes this is the perfect trail for you!
If you don’t bother the snakes they won’t bother you! Just watch your step!

Tyler Legacy Trails

great ride in Tyler

September, 2020 by baubletmark

Found these trails. One side of highway is flat. The other runs over some hills to Cumberland rd which runs to Faulkner park for more trails. Highly recommend

Paul G. Boorman Trail


March, 2020 by mellissa.henry1

This trail is excellent for families! Great path for walking, riding, or roller blading!

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