Wausau, WI Mountain Biking Trails and Maps

194 Reviews

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7 Results

Bearskin State Trail

26.9 mi
State: WI
Crushed Stone

Eau Claire River Trail

1.25 mi
State: WI

Green Circle Trail

27 mi
State: WI
Asphalt, Boardwalk, Concrete, Crushed Stone, Gravel, Sand, Woodchips

Tomorrow River State Trail

29.2 mi
State: WI
Crushed Stone

Mountain-Bay State Trail

85.2 mi
State: WI
Asphalt, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Grass, Gravel

Pine Line Trail

26.2 mi
State: WI
Crushed Stone

Wolf River State Trail

33.4 mi
State: WI
Ballast, Crushed Stone
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Overview The Bearskin State Trail follows a route blazed into the heart of the great Northwoods, first by pioneers and loggers, and then by passengers and outdoors enthusiasts on trains with such...
WI 26.9 mi Crushed Stone
Residents of Weston don't have to travel far to access beautiful trails. The village is home to the Mountain-Bay State Trail, which offers 83 miles of walking and biking across Wisconsin. For those...
WI 1.25 mi Gravel
The description of the Green Circle Trail on the official site makes a unique boast: “All urban residents are within 10 minutes of the trail system, and yet, more than 80% of the Green Circle travels...
WI 27 mi Asphalt, Boardwalk, Concrete, Crushed Stone, Gravel, Sand, Woodchips
espite its futuristic name, the Tomorrow River State Trail takes users on a tour of a historic rail-trail through beautiful Portage and Waupaca Counties. Trail users will find a good start at the...
WI 29.2 mi Crushed Stone
Overview The 85.2-mile Mountain-Bay State Trail, one of the longest trails in the state, travels a mostly scenic, wooded route through three counties—Marathon, Shawano, and Brown—as it makes its...
WI 85.2 mi Asphalt, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Grass, Gravel
The 26-mile Pine Line Trail calls to mind a time when trains loaded with timber chugged out of northern Wisconsin’s great white pine forests. The local economy still depends on lumber, as sawmills are...
WI 26.2 mi Crushed Stone
The Wolf River State Trail spans 33 miles along the former Wisconsin Central railroad corridor from Crandon in Forest County to the village of White Lake in Langlade County (not far from the Menominee...
WI 33.4 mi Ballast, Crushed Stone

Recent Trail Reviews

Pine Line Trail


October, 2024 by the_masseuse

So yes, the gravel isn’t the greatest, the bigger the tire the better. It’s a bit chunky and loose..gets chunkier in Price county, seems to be kept up though? It’s so worth the extra effort come Fall. I had very little issues with my gravel bike. It’s super peaceful. No ATVs allowed, but horses are ¿. Seen quite a few grouse and there’s all new bridges throughout! It’s quite the beautiful trail and worth enduring the subpar gravel.

Wiouwash State Trail

great trail!

August, 2024 by joshberg67

One of the best trails I have risen around here so far. Great distance that takes you through all sorts of different scenery and is easy to ride!

Bearskin State Trail

awesome trail

July, 2024 by jasonahyer

Great trail and had quite a bit of traffic.


Green Circle Trail

Amazing trail!

July, 2024 by jasonahyer

We rode the entirety of the trail in 2.5 miles and we’ve never seen a more clean, well-maintained, and marked walking/biking path. Top notch! Highly recommended!

Green Circle Trail

Spectacular trail

July, 2024 by mmaryandarturo

Lots of shade and curves. 90% on trail and 10% on non-busy roads. Trail well taken care of. Mostly limestone with many wooden bridges. A few busy intersections to cross though but all had traffic lights. Be careful though because some of trail is made for a single rider and not enough room for an oncoming biker to go by. A few speedsters on trail, so take those curves (some blind curves) slowly and carefully. Lots of absolute stunning scenery at every turn. I loved it, minus those speedsters¿¿¿¿¿

Green Circle Trail

Awesome trail - Well Marked

July, 2024 by t5n8nj6tsn

Absolutely the best marked trail I’ve ever been on. Lots of variety on this trail. Gravel, a few small hills, boardwalk sections, road parts, lake and river views. Beautiful Saturday so the trail was busy in spots, but not overly so in my opinion. Road the entire route with no issues until about 3 miles from the end there were a couple men and a woman gravel bikes that thought they were the only ones on the trail and came around a blind turn full speed completely on my side so I had to veer off trail.

Wiouwash State Trail

nice trail

July, 2024 by lemur.margin-0

Very enjoyable ride from Medina to Oshkosh put on 38 miles. Horse owners need to pick up the Horse **** !!! Very inappropriate

Tomorrow River State Trail

East end parking

May, 2024 by banker.kyle

There's no parking at the Manawa end. If you're wanting to start from the east end, there is a small dirt parking area in Ogdensburg just off the trail. The 5 miles of trail from Ogdensburg to Manawa are pocketed with horse hoof imprints so you don't miss much by starting there. The location is off highway K/E and Moore St in Ogdensburg. Map coordinates are 44.454120, -89.029714

Great trail, otherwise. Scenic and peaceful. It will be much better once its complete.

Pine Line Trail

Not really for bikes

September, 2023 by kylehdavison

I biked most of the length of the trail while on a long-distance tour. With 1.5" tires it was challenging to get through, and sometimes nearly impassable. The gravel shoulder of Highway 13 is easier traveling, honestly. The surface isn't crushed limestone. It's made of loose gravel and stones up to 1"—basically the same as the ag roads in the area. I would only recommend this if you are on an unloaded mountain bike or fat tire bike.

That said, it is flat, straight, and low-traffic in a beautiful area.

Wiouwash State Trail

Nice quiet trail

August, 2023 by crosscountry79

Went from Oshkosh to Hortonville for a total of 44 miles. Very good shape and little bike traffic. Really enjoyed the ride. Limited amenities along the trail.

Green Circle Trail

Lots of variety to enjoy natural areas

July, 2023 by tedijw

We biked the whole trail today and found it amazing! Trail takes you through a wide variety of natural areas including several opportunities to bike along the Wisconsin and Plover Rivers. Well worth the time to explore the entire trail!!

Bearskin State Trail

Lovely but not complete.

July, 2023 by bobdell423

The Bearskin trail is lovely from the trailheads between Old Hwy K and Minoqua. However, many people are under the impression it continues into Tomahawk. It doesn't as railroad grade riding. The 5 mile stretch between Highway K and Lake Nakona Rd north of Tomahawk is hilly County road and highway riding. Fine enough for what it is, but for a family ride with younger children, not appropriate.

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