Overlea, MD Fishing Trails and Maps

1510 Reviews

Looking for the best Fishing trails around Overlea?

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27 Results

Anacostia River Trail

21.5 mi
State: DC, MD
Asphalt, Boardwalk, Brick, Concrete

Black Hill Trail

4.5 mi
State: MD
Asphalt, Dirt

Capital Crescent Trail

12.7 mi
State: DC, MD

Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park

184.2 mi
State: DC, MD
Brick, Concrete, Crushed Stone, Dirt

Conestoga Greenway Trail

1 mi
State: PA

Great American Rail-Trail

3743.9 mi
State: DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY
Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Heritage Rail Trail County Park

27.4 mi
State: PA
Asphalt, Crushed Stone

Lake Artemesia Trail

1.35 mi
State: MD

Lake Frank Trail

1.8 mi
State: MD

Michael N. Castle C&D Canal Trail

12.4 mi
State: DE

Mount Vernon Trail

18 mi
State: VA
Asphalt, Boardwalk, Brick, Concrete

Patuxent Branch Trail

4.35 mi
State: MD

St. Michaels Nature Trail

1.3 mi
State: MD

Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail

19.9 mi
State: MD
Crushed Stone, Dirt

Arlington Loop

16 mi
State: VA
Asphalt, Boardwalk, Concrete

Downs Park Trail

5 mi
State: MD
Asphalt, Dirt

Four Mile Run Trail

6.2 mi
State: VA

Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail

40 mi
State: VA
Asphalt, Ballast, Concrete, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Gravel

Gwynns Falls Trail

19.7 mi
State: MD
Asphalt, Crushed Stone

Holmes Run Trail

6.6 mi
State: VA
Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Mill Creek Trail (PA)

0.9 mi
State: PA

Savage Mill Trail

1.2 mi
State: MD
Asphalt, Dirt, Gravel

Sligo Creek Trail

10.2 mi
State: MD

Lower Susquehanna Heritage Greenway Trail

2.5 mi
State: MD
Crushed Stone
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Overview Winding along its namesake river, from Maryland into southeast D.C., the Anacostia River Trail (also known as the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail) provides an outstanding recreation and...
DC, MD 21.5 mi Asphalt, Boardwalk, Brick, Concrete
Maryland's Ben Cardin C&D Canal Recreational Trail links to Delaware's Michael Castle Trail; both run along the north bank of the Chesapeake and Delaware (C&D) Canal and meet at the state line. The...
MD 1.8 mi Asphalt
Overview Black Hill Trail offers a 4.5-mile wooded trek with gentle inclines through Black Hill Regional Park in Boyds, Maryland, just outside of Washington, D.C. The trail is primarily paved,...
MD 4.5 mi Asphalt, Dirt
Detour Notice: As of September 2017, the Capital Crescent Trail east of downtown Bethesda was closed due to the construction of the Purple Line light-rail system. It is estimated that the reopening of...
DC, MD 12.7 mi Asphalt
Overview Following the Potomac River, the C&O Canal Towpath traverses the Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park for 184.2 miles between Cumberland, Maryland, and the Georgetown...
DC, MD 184.2 mi Brick, Concrete, Crushed Stone, Dirt
This trail is not offically part of the Lancaster County Park system. It runs next to the Conestoga River at Sunnyside. The one end of the trail is at Lancaster County Central Park. Although there is...
PA 1 mi Asphalt
Note: This developing route is not yet fully contiguous – it is just over 50% complete. Please refer to the Trail Map for more information on the existing sections of trail, as well as the online...
DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY 3743.9 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone
Overview  The Grist Mill Trail at Patapsco Valley State Park runs along the Patapsco River for 2.5 miles between Ilchester Road and Lost Lake. The heavily wooded paved trail passes by various...
MD 2.5 mi Asphalt
Overview The Heritage Rail Trail County Park (HRT) runs between the Pennsylvania–Maryland state line and York, Pennsylvania. Most of the trail has a crushed-stone surface, although portions of the...
PA 27.4 mi Asphalt, Crushed Stone
The Lake Artemesia Trail—one component of the larger Anacostia Tributary Trail System—completely encircles its scenic eponymous lake in Prince George's County, Maryland. The trail is also a great...
MD 1.35 mi Asphalt
Lake Frank is a 54-acre reservoir located in the heart of Rock Creek Regional Park in Derwood, east of Rockville. The reservoir, together with Lake Needwood was created for flood control and was named...
MD 1.8 mi Asphalt
Overview The Michael N. Castle C&D Canal Trail offers a scenic 12.4-mile route along the north shore of the Chesa­peake and Delaware Canal in northern Delaware. The popular trail is named after the...
DE 12.4 mi Asphalt
Overview    Hugging Arlington’s Potomac River waterfront, the Mount Vernon Trail links Gateway Park in Rosslyn with George Washington’s Mount Vernon estate in Northern Virginia. Just across the...
VA 18 mi Asphalt, Boardwalk, Brick, Concrete
Overview    Spanning over 15 miles on the banks of the Susquehanna River, the Northwest Lancaster County River Trail is a tranquil and easy-going meander between the towns of Bainbridge, Marietta...
PA 15.9 mi Asphalt
Whether by wheel or foot, many off-road trips in southern Howard County involve the Patuxent Branch Trail. Opened in 1997, the 4.5-mile regional trail connects to an extensive network of local trails...
MD 4.35 mi Asphalt
Overview The 1.3-mile St. Michaels Nature Trail skirts the western edge of the scenic town of St. Michaels, Maryland, which was built on the site of a 17th-century Anglican church that eventually...
MD 1.3 mi Asphalt
Overview The Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts because of its proximity to populous Baltimore and its relatively flat course, which winds along river...
MD 19.9 mi Crushed Stone, Dirt
The Arlington Loop is composed of four local trails—the Mount Vernon Trail, the Custis Trail, the Washington & Old Dominion Trail (W&OD), and the Four Mile Run Trail. Together they create a paved...
VA 16 mi Asphalt, Boardwalk, Concrete
Downs Park Trail is located in Downs Park on the Chesapeake Bay just north of Gibson Island. The 3.5-mile perimeter trail is paved, popular for walkers and cyclists alike, and an additional 1.5 miles...
MD 5 mi Asphalt, Dirt
The Four Mile Run Trail traverses the Four Mile Run stream valley and has many twists and turns, not to mention steep sections (mercifully short). The trail more or less parallels the popular W&OD...
VA 6.2 mi Asphalt
Overview The Gerry Connolly Cross County Trail is a multi-use trail that follows along the various stream valleys in Fairfax County, Virginia for 41.4 miles. It is officially named the Gerry...
VA 40 mi Asphalt, Ballast, Concrete, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Gravel
Overview The Gwynns Falls Trail is a nearly 20-mile continuous corridor that winds through dozens of west and southwest Baltimore neighborhoods, parks, and historical and cultural landmarks and the...
MD 19.7 mi Asphalt, Crushed Stone
Closure Notice: Parts of this trail were heavily damaged due to flood-related erosion in 2018 and 2019, forcing the closure of certain segments, especially near the Holmes Run Parkway bridge, and...
VA 6.6 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone
Just short of a mile in length, the Mill Creek Trail follows the south bank of the stream for which it is named in the suburbs east of Lancaster. Paved with a surface of compact woodchips, the...
PA 0.9 mi Woodchips
Only a mile long, the Savage Mill Trail rolls through a significant piece of Howard County’s industrial heritage as it crosses the grounds of an old textile mill complex on the Little Patuxent River....
MD 1.2 mi Asphalt, Dirt, Gravel
Overview The bustling D.C. metro area seems light-years away from the parklands bordering the Sligo Creek Trail in the Maryland suburbs northeast of the city. The paved stream-valley trail follows...
MD 10.2 mi Asphalt
Maryland's Susquehanna State Park is recognized for challenging hiking and biking trails, camping facilities, rock outcroppings, boating, a museum and restored historical sites. But none of these...
MD 2.5 mi Crushed Stone

Recent Trail Reviews

Washington and Old Dominion Railroad Regional Park (W&OD)

The best part of the WOD is west of Leesburg, through Paeonian Springs into tunnels of trees, past farmland, ending at a fabulous barbecue place in Purcellville. Stunning in fall foliage.

September, 2024 by rgurney

The best part of the WOD is west of Leesburg, through Paeonian Springs into tunnels of trees, past farmland, ending at a fabulous barbecue place in Purcellville. Stunning in fall foliage.

Mount Vernon Trail

scenic trail that gets you to great destinations

September, 2024 by byasaphotography

The friends of the Mount Vernon trail has done a lot to improve the MVT including grinding down the trip hazard, filling potholes, replacing water fountains and more. NPS has also replaced a lot of the bridges and boardwalks, and will be widening and repaving the entire trail soon. be sure to stop in old town Alexandria for the self guided black history tour, or to get a bite to eat. Check out Mount Vernon and the distillery at the Southern end, or cut across into DC at the 14th street bridge. You can end your ride in Rosslyn for the many great attractions! The trail also goes past the new Amazon headquarters, Crystal City, the Pentagon, Arlington nationalcemetery, Teddy Roosevelt Island, and is just a bridge away from the Kennedy Center, Georgetown and the famous C&O Canal Trail.

Grist Mill Trail at Patapsco Valley State Park

Trail is Great, Parking Not So Great

September, 2024 by garailroader

I was in the area visiting my parents in Ellicott City and found this trail that looked like a good target for a 5 mile morning walk. I parked at the Ilchester Rd end and found the trail head. The trail seems very well kept, 2 of the bridges were new and I didn't see any litter, fallen trees or other maintenance issues. I am thinking the trail must have been recently paved as it was very smooth with no roots cracking and bending the asphalt. A lot of people using the trail and swimming in the river. Great to see so many getting out on a nice summer day. When I finished my walk and went back to the parking lot my dad's truck was not there. My first thought was why would someone steal that 20 year old truck. As I was pondering what to do next, I noticed a sign at the end of the parking lot and went over to take a look. It showed that it was private parking and patrolled by Paladin Impound and showed the address of the Impound lot. A $30 Uber ride and a $280 fine and I got my dad's truck back. I obviously should have paid closer attention to the parking but I feel it is a bit of a trap. The Private Parking sign is kind of a conspicuous location like they are hoping you don't see the sign and do park there so they can collect their bounty. I wasn't the first car parked in the lot, and someone else was parked there when I was waiting for Uber. Anyway, if you do check this trail out be very careful to make sure you are parking in the correct trailhead parking lot.


Chesapeake & Ohio Canal National Historical Park

Perfect for bikepacking

August, 2024 by scott43243

Rode from Cumberland to a parking area 23 miles outside of DC, camping at four of the campsites along the way. They have been doing a lot of work to improve the condition of this trail and it shows. Weather was perfect, but most sections seemed like they would still be pretty good even after some rain. There was one detour that was a tough push over really rocky roads for a few miles. Other than that, it was perfect.

Northwest Lancaster County River Trail

Nice, varied ride

August, 2024 by jvirago

Enjoyable trail with plenty of shade, river views, communities, points of interest, parks, and services along the way.

Enola Low Grade Trail

Not a favorite

August, 2024 by jvirago

As someone else noted, this basically seems like a fairly well maintained access road for the company that owns the utility poles that line the entire route--on both sides of the trail for the first several miles, accompanied by chain link fencing on the river side. The trail is relatively flat, crushed limestone, wide, hot and sunny, with very little shade provided along its entire length. As a staff member at Columbia Crossing visitor center suggested, it would be a fine trial to ride at peak fall foliage time, as it runs directly along the Susquehanna and you could enjoy the colors on its opposite bank of trees for the first 10 miles or so. But to my taste, there's little reason to continue beyond that unless you're just trying to get your mileage in. Well before the Martic Forge trestle the trail diverges from the river and becomes a wide, hot, green tunnel with no towns, interests, or services until its abrupt end.

Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail

Torrey C. Brown Trail

August, 2024 by khamel2_tl

This was a ride done during the day prior to a wedding we attended in MD. We picked up the trail on rented bikes by PaperMill Road and headed north. Some of the surface was muddy from heavy rain but still passable. We had lunch at Monkton Hotel. There was a museum too that we were able to tour along the trail. Would recommend being ready for bugs but overall still a great ride.

Great American Rail-Trail

West bound from Ellensburg. August 2024

August, 2024 by tastesbadtobears

We ( recumbent trike & e-bike) headed West from the Kiwanis park. Turned around after 9km as the surface was really tough on the trike. There’s 2 good wheel tracks for bikes, but the trike had to ride partially in the coarse trail ballast. Scenic area with farm views and a huge windmill farm in the distance.

Kent Island South Trail

Great Trail

July, 2024 by tpslucks

Liked the trail very much. However, I’ve seen other maps that show this trail actually begins on the north side of Rt-50 on the westbound side and connects to the trailhead. Is that portion part of this trail? It would make for a much longer route.

Henson Creek Trail

Best trail in PG county hands down.

July, 2024 by tyronne.patterson

Best trail in PG county hands down.

Michael N. Castle C&D Canal Trail

Great cycling along the Canal

July, 2024 by knewman1717

I ride this trail end to end around 2-3 times a week. It needs to be repaired off the Summit/Lums Pond parking lot. There needs to be a speed limit set for EV bikers. Dog owners need to keep their dogs on leash at all times. I've been run at by off leash dogs at Summit where people can camp overnight. Not a great experience.
It is a beautiful ride. Just be considerate of others and share the trail, please.

Easton Rail-Trail

Very lovely in-town trail!

July, 2024 by tpslucks

While the trail in town is very lovely, relatively short, it’s very clean and enough meandering through green space, I really enjoy the less known western spur more. That trail spur on the opposite side of Easton Parkway is really awesome. I love riding through the well laid curves and tree canopies. Enough trail benches and smooth pavement. Love it!

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