Charlottesville, VA Wheelchair Accessible Trails and Maps

168 Reviews

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7 Results

High Bridge Trail State Park

32.2 mi
State: VA
Crushed Stone

John W. Warner Parkway Trail

1.6 mi
State: VA

Lifecore Trail

3.3 mi
State: VA
Asphalt, Concrete

Saunders-Monticello Trail

2 mi
State: VA
Asphalt, Boardwalk, Concrete, Crushed Stone

South River Greenway Trail

2 mi
State: VA

Hawksbill Greenway

2 mi
State: VA

Coal Tower Trail

0.5 mi
State: VA
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Overview The central feature for which the High Bridge Trail State Park is named is an unforgettable experience, a bridge that towers 125 feet above the mighty Appomattox River and nearly a...
VA 32.2 mi Crushed Stone
The enhanced bike-ped trail snakes alongside the John W. Warner Parkway for 1.6 miles, from East Rio Road down to McIntire Park. It mostly lies on the route of the old Southern Railway.  Points of...
VA 1.6 mi Asphalt
Fishersville is a small community located between Staunton and Waynesboro in Augusta County. This pedestrian and cycling path was added as part of Fishersville's road improvements and useful for both...
VA 3.3 mi Asphalt, Concrete
While the Saunders-Monticello trail leads to the home of one the United States most prominent presidents, it is quickly becoming a destination in itself. It’s less than ten minutes’ drive from...
VA 2 mi Asphalt, Boardwalk, Concrete, Crushed Stone
The South River Greenway is a 2-mile multi-use trail along the South River through Waynesboro's Downtown corridor. Views along the way include those of the river, Blue Ridge Mountains, Constitution...
VA 2 mi Asphalt
The Hawksbill Greenway is a 2-mile non-motorized pathway in the town of Luray, Virginia, two hours from Washington D.C. It extends from Linden Street in the west to the Flowering Forest in the east....
VA 2 mi Asphalt
The Coal Tower Trail is an 8-10-foot wide path adjacent to Water Street connecting downtown Charlottesville to Carlton Road and the Meade Avenue Trail. The tree-lined path also parallels an active...
VA 0.5 mi Asphalt

Recent Trail Reviews

Virginia Blue Ridge Railway Trail

Blissful early morning ride

October, 2024 by trailsforall

Started my journey at Piney River trailhead very early on a crisp October morning. The temperature was 37 degrees, but the sun was rising, and there was no wind. Riding east, my only companions were squirrels, deer and the many birds flying overhead. I LOVE the peace and quiet this trail provides with the squishy crunch of the finely crushed gravel beneath my tires, and the gentle rush of water spilling over rocks in the Piney and Tye Rivers. No nearby roads or traffic meant for a little over an hour of pure escape. The farm and forest scenery and multiple bridges spanning the river provided ever changing views. I was thankful for the regular milepost markers, posted every 1/4 mile along the entire trail length. On the return trip I counted 75 spins of my crank arm to traverse a 1/4 mile section of the trail. The path was well-maintained throughout, with just the right amount of trail-side markers, benches, and memorials to provide short breaks. I didn't use the restrooms, but they were available at the western trailhead and at Roses Mill trailhead near the western end. If I had one wish for this trail, it would be to extend along the original 20 miles of the original Blue Ridge Railway right of way. I'm not sure if that's possible, but I feel it would make this trail garner more attention than it currently receives. The trail's location between Charlottesville and Lynchburg is in one of the prettiest parts of Virginia, and is just south of the many breweries, vineyards and distilleries along Route 151 in Nelson County. It is also a short drive from Wintergreen resort. Come check it out!!

High Bridge Trail State Park

Parking is actually at 1779 East Pamplin Road. Portapotty here. Adjacent / between rr and business 460

September, 2024 by ginnyn

Parking is actually at 1779 East Pamplin Road. Portapotty here. Adjacent / between rr and business 460

High Bridge Trail State Park

Amazing Trail with History

July, 2024 by hughes29187

The High Bridge trail is a great trail with a truly amazing experience as you traverse the bridge. There are three pull offs on the bridge that allow you to stop and view the wonderful landscape. The trail mileage is based on distance from the bridge both East and West, so for example if you start in Farmville, VA you'll be at West 5 miles. The new visitor center on the East side in the State Park is almost complete and was built to look just like the train station in Farmville. I would image it will house historical items on the rail and Civil War. Also, the trail provides a bonus with a Civil War-era fort (Fort Paradise) with plaques explaining the historical significance. I rode my Trek Cyclocross with 700x32 tires and was fine. Definitely looking to go back in the Fall.


Virginia Blue Ridge Railway Trail

Virginia Blue Ridge Railway Trail

July, 2024 by amy2paul

Paul and I are continuing our RV travels and crossing off bike trails from our bucket list along the way. Today we rode the VA Blue Ridge trail. Beautiful, natural trail with crushed stone path (I would have preferred asphalt), but it wasn't bad. I just had to be careful and watch for rocks and kept praying I didn't pop a tire. Off road or hybrid bikes do fine. I ride a Lectric Trike with wider tires and husband rides a hybrid type bike and did fine. It is nicely shaded about 95% of the way. No road noise. Two rivers parallel the path making nice scenery. Some ladies ahead of us spotted a beautiful black bear walking along the shore of the river and got a great video clip. We had a deer cross in front of us. Benches are scattered along the trail. The only thing I would change would be asphalt instead of crushed stone but otherwise a great trail to ride!

South River Greenway Trail

nice but surrounded by invasive plants

July, 2024 by kelly235

Being a native plant enthusiast, walking this trail is disturbing to me because of all the invasive plants that edge the path. Instead of enjoying the greenery, I have to look away from it to have pleasure on this walk.

Virginia Blue Ridge Railway Trail

Pleasant ride...

June, 2024 by mckeeverj72

What can I say, pleasant ride, 5 stars, will be returning soon enough to ride again.

Virginia Blue Ridge Railway Trail

river access points!

April, 2024 by lucinda.f.peters

This is a great trail. It has many access points to the river which my dog loved. She began recognizing the access points because she loves the water. Not too busy on Celebrate Trails Day. Only passed a few people. Beautiful trail to enjoy water, flowers, quiet, and nature!

Railroad Ford Trail

closed for Bridge repairs

November, 2023 by dalemccleese

Closed for Maintenance

Virginia Blue Ridge Railway Trail

Great trail for our first RTC bike. Trail nicely maintained. Saw some wildlife and great views of the river.

October, 2023 by gdwindowpane

Great trail for our first RTC bike. Trail nicely maintained. Saw some wildlife and great views of the river.

Lifecore Trail

TomPark,Thanks for the good review - your unusual rear bike rack caught my eye as well. Would you please tell me more about it and where purchased? Constance

August, 2023 by cjwardenfromjordan

TomPark,Thanks for the good review - your unusual rear bike rack caught my eye as well. Would you please tell me more about it and where purchased? Constance

Blue Ridge Tunnel Trail

Great Walk Through the Tunnel

July, 2023 by sandymo

This is absolutely worth the drive from near or far. The tunnel is nearly one mile long and nothing less than amazing. Kids will be astounded by the tiny waterfalls, dripping water, dark tunnel, and Tarzan vines everywhere. Take a headlight for them and you’ll be a hero. You can easily shorten the hike and get rid of almost all the elevation change by starting at the East trailhead and turning around after going through the tunnel. If part of your group want to finish the whole trail, the others can sit on a bench a few hundred feet outside of the tunnel. Enjoy!

Saunders-Monticello Trail

Not Rail Trail

June, 2023 by resifence

Beautiful Trail 270' up in 2 miles if you're in shape stunningly beautiful 2 miles.

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