Los Alamos, NM Hike Trails and Maps

25 Reviews

Looking for the best Hike trails around Los Alamos?

Find the top rated hike trails in Los Alamos, whether you're looking for an easy short hike trail or a long hike trail, you'll find what you're looking for. Click on a hike trail below to find trail descriptions, trail maps, photos, and reviews.

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37 Results

Arroyo De Los Chamisos Trail

3.6 mi
State: NM

Broadmoor Boulevard Trail

1.1 mi
State: NM

Canyon Rim Trail (NM)

2.5 mi
State: NM
Asphalt, Boardwalk

Tramway Recreation Trail

8.5 mi
State: NM
Asphalt, Concrete

River Trail

4.7 mi
State: NM
Asphalt, Concrete, Dirt

Santa Fe Rail-Trail

16.8 mi
State: NM
Asphalt, Dirt

Rancho Viejo Trail

6.4 mi
State: NM

Acequia Trail

1.6 mi
State: NM

Arroyo De Los Montoyas Trail

1.1 mi
State: NM

Arroyo Hondo Trail

0.7 mi
State: NM

Arroyo Ponce de Leon Trail

1.6 mi
State: NM

Black Arroyo Trail

1 mi
State: NM

Cabezon Linear Park Trail

1.8 mi
State: NM

Chayote Trail

0.8 mi
State: NM

Dinosaur Trail

1.8 mi
State: NM
Asphalt, Dirt

District Trail

1.4 mi
State: NM

Enchanted Hills Boulevard Trail

2.9 mi
State: NM

Enchanted Hills Path

1.6 mi
State: NM

Hawks Trail

0.7 mi
State: NM

High Resort Boulevard Trail

2 mi
State: NM

Intel Trail

1.03 mi
State: NM

King Boulevard Trail

1.7 mi
State: NM

Las Estrellas Trail

0.6 mi
State: NM

Loma Colorado Boulevard Trail

1.6 mi
State: NM

Los Alamos Mesa Trail

0.5 mi
State: NM

Los Rios Trail

1 mi
State: NM

Mariposa Parkway Trail

1.6 mi
State: NM

Mariposa Recreational Trail

1.2 mi
State: NM

New Mexico 528 Rec Path

3.4 mi
State: NM

Northern Boulevard Trail

3.4 mi
State: NM

Sara Road Trail

1.1 mi
State: NM

Southern Boulevard Trail

5 mi
State: NM
Asphalt, Concrete

Spur Trail

3 mi
State: NM

Thompson Fenceline Trail

2.18 mi
State: NM

Tierra Contenta Trail

2.4 mi
State: NM

Unser Boulevard Trail North

6.5 mi
State: NM
Asphalt, Concrete

Venada Arroyo Trail

1 mi
State: NM
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
The Arroyo De Los Chamisos Trail begins just outside of Villa Linda Park. This starting point is also nearby to plenty of stores, including the Santa Fe Place Mall, as well as a theatre, and dining...
NM 3.6 mi Asphalt
The Broadmoor Boulevard Trail runs north and south along the side of its namesake roadway, forming the western end of a linked series of sidepath trails that run throughout this section of suburban...
NM 1.1 mi Asphalt
The Canyon Rim Trail is a 2.5-mile bike-pedestrian pathway along East Road (SR 502) in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The trail offers grand views into Los Alamos Canyon, of the Jemez Mountains to the west,...
NM 2.5 mi Asphalt, Boardwalk
The Tramway Recreation Trail follows Tramway Boulevard, a major north-south route on the eastern edge of Albuquerque. The path runs along the foothills that skirt the city, offering spectacular views...
NM 8.5 mi Asphalt, Concrete
Santa Fe's River Trail is open in three segments, all of which are off Agua Fria Road. The segment farthest east is just two blocks down from the Santa Fe Railway and just across from De Vargas Park....
NM 4.7 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Dirt
Overview The Santa Fe Rail Trail follows the old Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway line, running almost 17 miles between Santa Fe’s Railyard Park on the southwestern end of the city and...
NM 16.8 mi Asphalt, Dirt
The Rancho Viejo Trail works as a intercommunity of paths with multiple access points to travel throughout the residence and the three schools and market within the area. Connected with the District...
NM 6.4 mi Asphalt
The Acequia Trail begins south of downtown Santa Fe, near St. Francis Drive, at a juncture with the Santa Fe Rail-Trail. From there, the paved pathway travels southwest, through residential...
NM 1.6 mi Asphalt
Located in a cluster of suburban neighborhoods in northwestern Rio Rancho, the Arroyo De Los Montoyas Trail follows a stretch of the earthen flood channel for just over a mile, providing a helpful...
NM 1.1 mi Asphalt
The Arroyo Hondo Trail is a dirt path southwest of the city outside of a small residence community. An RV Park is also nearby. A good road for exercising away from the property. 
NM 0.7 mi Dirt
The Arroyo Ponce de Leon Trail is actually a twin pair of paved asphalt trails that run on both sides of their namesake arroyo in an isolated subdivision in western Rio Rancho. The eastern path begins...
NM 1.6 mi Asphalt
The Black Arroyo Trail, completed in 2015, provides a lovely scenic pathway through the dry sage brush and open space that surrounds the channel formed by the arroyo. Offering about a mile-long trail...
NM 1 mi Asphalt
The Cabezon Linear Park Trail is a paved pathway that spans both sides of an irrigation channel in the Cabezon subdivision of Rio Rancho. Forming a beautiful, recreational backbone running north and...
NM 1.8 mi Asphalt
An asphalt sidepath trail that runs along the east side of Chayote Road, the Chayote Trail helps to link the Enchanted Hills Path and the Enchanted Hills Boulevard Trail, forming a looping trail...
NM 0.8 mi Asphalt
The Dinosaur Trail follows I-25 eastward, sitting outside a residential area. The trails name is derived from the street it travels parallel with until its termination at Richards Avenue. The end of...
NM 1.8 mi Asphalt, Dirt
The District Trail is a straight, paved path following the alignment of the old New Mexico Central Railroad (1903-1926) from Richards Ave. at Ave. del Sur to south of A Van Nu Po, near Institute of...
NM 1.4 mi Asphalt
The Enchanted Hills Boulevard Trail, as its name suggests, hugs the northeast side of Enchanted Hills Boulevard for about three miles in the northern reaches of Rio Rancho, a sprawling and growing...
NM 2.9 mi Asphalt
Far on the northern edge of Rio Rancho, just before the suburban sprawl fizzles out into the desert foothills to the north, the Enchanted Hills Path provides a short but sweet paved asphalt trail to...
NM 1.6 mi Asphalt
A sidepath trail that runs alongside Meadows Boulevard in western Rio Rancho, the Hawks Trail provides a nice wide asphalt path for recreation and transportation, helping local residents safely reach...
NM 0.7 mi Asphalt
A connected sidepath trailway that follows the route of High Resort Boulevard, Ridgecrest Drive, and Arrowhead Ridge Drive, the High Resort Boulevard Trail provides a paved path for cyclists and...
NM 2 mi Asphalt
Situated on the edge of the gargantuan Intel corporate campus in the Albuquerque suburb of Rio Rancho, the Intel Trail provides a nice little eight-foot wide pathway through the open space between the...
NM 1.03 mi Asphalt
A wide asphalt sidepath that runs the length of King Boulevard from Wilpert Road in the east to King Meadows Park in the west, the King Boulevard Trail forms a solid connective backbone for the trail...
NM 1.7 mi Asphalt
The Las Estrellas Trail is north of downtown Santa Fe and begins on Tano Rd., roughly a quarter mile from Route 84. A quck trail ride of less than a mile, it ends just short of the Veterans Memorial...
NM 0.6 mi Asphalt
Offering over a mile and a half of paved, wide sidepath trail along its namesake boulevard, the Loma Colorado Boulevard Trail manages to pack quite a lot into such a relatively short distance: The...
NM 1.6 mi Asphalt
The Los Alamos Mesa Trail is a paved hike-and-bike trail located along the south rim of the Pueblo Canyon in Los Alamos, New Mexico. The trailhead is at East Park, a 4-acre park which also offers...
NM 0.5 mi Asphalt
Tucked in a quiet residential corner of northeastern Rio Rancho, the Los Rios Trail provides a paved pathway along the side of a diversion channel, with informational signs, benches, and shade...
NM 1 mi Asphalt
Located in the Mariposa subdivision in a currently isolated section of northwestern Rio Rancho, the Mariposa Parkway Trail is part of the foundation for planned future development, providing a nice...
NM 1.6 mi Asphalt
The Mariposa Recreational Trail provides over a mile of paved asphalt trail that runs through the rolling hills in the rapidly-developing Mariposa subdivision, located in the far northwestern reaches...
NM 1.2 mi Asphalt
The New Mexico 528 Rec Path consists of almost three and a half miles of paved asphalt trail, running along the side of the wide and busy state highway that cuts through the Albuquerque suburb of Rio...
NM 3.4 mi Asphalt
Cutting a three mile swath across suburban Rio Rancho, the Northern Boulevard Trail provides a great alternative transportation pathway for cyclists and pedestrians as it runs along the south side of...
NM 3.4 mi Asphalt
The Sara Road Trail follows a suburban, residential street just off one of Rio Rancho's main drags, providing a shortcut between other sidepath trails in the community's extensive trail network. With...
NM 1.1 mi Asphalt
The Southern Boulevard Trail follows its namesake roadway through the suburban heart of Rio Rancho, providing five miles of paved pathway that serves as a useful path for transportation and exercise....
NM 5 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The Spur Trail a wide dirt trail running through desert scrub south of Santa Fe, following a dusty route during the dry season. The trail is popular with hikers, mountain bikers and runners....
NM 3 mi Dirt
The Thompson Fenceline Trail runs through a power line utility corridor along the border of the Albuquerque suburbs of Rio Rancho and Corrales, traveling along the outskirts of dense suburban...
NM 2.18 mi Asphalt
The Tierra Contenta Trail runs for more than 2 miles on the far southwestern end of Santa Fe. The trail starts north of Capital High School at a point north of Avenida Contenta, just to the west of...
NM 2.4 mi Asphalt
Unser Boulevard serves as one of the main north-south connections between the northern reaches of Albuquerque and the sprawling suburb of Rio Rancho, and the Unser Boulevard Trail North provides a...
NM 6.5 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The Venada Arroyo Trail runs northwest from an industrial and commercial area in the far northern reaches of the sprawling Albuquerque suburb of Rio Rancho, utilizing the corridor created by the...
NM 1 mi Asphalt

Recent Trail Reviews

Tramway Recreation Trail

I road the entire trail yesterday both ways: over 17 miles. Trail is in good condition and offers beautiful views of the city below and the mountains above. Great, flat, paved trail!

December, 2024 by fairlybiginvestments

I road the entire trail yesterday both ways: over 17 miles. Trail is in good condition and offers beautiful views of the city below and the mountains above. Great, flat, paved trail!

Santa Fe Rail-Trail

save your ride for a different trail

September, 2024 by lisambell1227

Biked half of it. Not scenic, mostly busy city/industrial trail. It follows the RR tracks and there’s sketchy areas. Doesn’t meet the warm fuzzy scenic bike trail category! ¿¿

Broadmoor Boulevard Trail

road riding at its worst

June, 2024 by terrirees

Thus is just a poorly maintained “bike” lane that stops and starts sporadically.


Santa Fe Rail-Trail

Beautiful Trail "next to" Rail

September, 2023 by gmolinaro1

We came to the trail from Pennsylvania and our GPS got us close to a trail head at the end of a dead end street in the southern section around mile marker 9. We had to ask a person riding on the road where the trail was. Not well marked where we started and we just parked at the dead end. This was the most scenic trail I have even been on and it was absolutely beautiful. Other reviews warned that a part of the trail (that I was on) was a trail that followed "along side" railroad tracks and was not really a level Rails to Trails. They were absolutely correct. The trail followed level and straight railroad tracks but the entire ride for me was up and down hills following the terrain. I had a mountain bike and if I was on a hybrid I would have given up. There are some loose dirt portions and a lot of ups and downs. So much so that these were the hardest 10 miles (up and back) that I ever did. Could do with a hybrid but recommend mountain bike on this part of the trail. Be prepared for a workout.

Santa Fe Rail-Trail

Nice trail

June, 2023 by nreamer_tl

Great trail. I rode the whole thing. Started at South end. Trail in that part is more sketchy, but it soon smooths out to basically a dirt road. There are lots of short climbs, so don't expect a flat rail trail. Like others have said, it is a trail, next to a railroad. It does NOT follow the railroad grade. That was perfect for me, as it was one of the best gravel rides I have done! Nice views. Some geocaches along the way if that is your thing. Not busy, but more hikers and bikers than I expected for a Monday.

Arroyo De Los Chamisos Trail

great hike

June, 2023 by angiesand1

Maps and hiking trail are great. It’s up and down but outlook points are beautiful.

Santa Fe Rail-Trail

Great ride but ended early???

July, 2022 by tanyaisfeld

We had a great ride on this trail today. We had planned to go the entire way and back but when we got close the end, at the last road crossing, we lost the trail. It just disappeared. So we turned around and headed back. 30+ miles round trip from our Airbnb which is a 15 minute walk from the rail yard starting point. Loved the dirt portion of this trail especially!! Very much an up and down rollercoaster feel that is fun to ride.

Canyon Rim Trail (NM)

Beautiful ride

February, 2022 by angela19

We only rode a part of this trail, but the view beautiful. It was definitely worth our time to stop on our drive to check it out. We parked at the small lot on the east end. We were the only cyclists, but it seemed popular with walkers and runners.

Santa Fe Rail-Trail

Not Really a Rail Trail

August, 2021 by bdamaddox

This is not really a rail trail; it is a trail beside a rail. If you prefer level or steady grades like rail trails, this one will be a disappointment. The dirt trail portion is in good condition although there are several washes with deep sand. It is picturesque and the roller coaster nature of it keeps it exciting, but I can't say that it was an above average experience.

Santa Fe Rail-Trail

serene countryside

June, 2021 by brendenpreddy

Rode here last week down to Eldorado. Had to turn around due to time constraints but really enjoyed the rolling nature of the dirt pack to the east. I would definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a leisurely desert ride. Least favorite part was paved and concrete sections in town with the sizable cracks but not unpleasant, more so inconvenient. great ride in and out of the train depot.

Rancho Viejo Trail

Nice views, but look sharp

April, 2021 by dobgoblin

Rode this trail on 22 April 2021. The trail is part of a network of trails in a newer neighborhood south of Santa Fe, near the Santa Fe Community College. There are number of feeder trails, and signage is lacking. Be alert for short steep climbs, sections with broken asphalt, a section of broken rock gravel on either side of a road crossing, and dog walkers. If you run off the trail beware of cholla cactus. The high desert with pinion pines with views of distance mountains make for an interesting trail. Parking was closed, we found parking in the neighborhood.

Santa Fe Rail-Trail

Santa Fe Trail

November, 2020 by susie.tassin

We ride from near the plaza downtown Santa Fe. It was a great ride. We have cruisers with 7 speeds and it was fine. We turned around about 6 miles from Lamy. The only downside was having to cross a couple of busy 4 lane rouses.

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