Logansport, IN Wheelchair Accessible Trails and Maps

379 Reviews

Looking for the best Wheelchair Accessible trails around Logansport?

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22 Results

Cardinal Greenway

61 mi
State: IN

Converse Junction Trail

2 mi
State: IN

Delphi Historic Trails

9.8 mi
State: IN
Boardwalk, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Erie Trail

11.1 mi
State: IN

Great American Rail-Trail

3743.9 mi
State: DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY
Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Industrial Heritage Trail

4.82 mi
State: IN

Lafayette Linear Park

1.1 mi
State: IN

Monon Trail

27.1 mi
State: IN

Monterey Erie Trail

0.6 mi
State: IN

Nickel Plate Trail

37.8 mi
State: IN

Panhandle Pathway

22 mi
State: IN

Paradise Spring Riverwalk Trail

0.82 mi
State: IN

Sweetser Switch Trail

4 mi
State: IN

Trolley Line Trail (IN)

1.3 mi
State: IN

Wabash River Trail

7 mi
State: IN

Cloverleaf Trail

1.65 mi
State: IN

Little Turtle Waterway Trail

1 mi
State: IN

White River Greenway (Noblesville)

5.9 mi
State: IN

Erie Rail Trail

2.59 mi
State: IN
Asphalt, Concrete

Krebs Trailhead Park

1 mi
State: IN
Asphalt, Concrete

Lake Max Trail

1.63 mi
State: IN
Asphalt, Concrete

River Bluff Trail

1.3 mi
State: IN
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Overview The Cardinal Greenway, the longest rail-trail in Indiana at 61 miles, connects Marion, Muncie, Losantville, Richmond, and a host of other small towns in rural northeastern Indiana. The...
IN 61 mi Asphalt
Completed in late 2015, the Converse Junction Trail provides 2 miles of smooth asphalt along a former Penn Central railroad line, linking the small Indiana communities of Converse and Mier. The trail...
IN 2 mi Asphalt
Visitors to the Delphi Historic Trails network can tour the historical town of Delphi in north-central Indiana by foot or bicycle—or skis in the winter—on old canal towpaths and former railroad...
IN 9.8 mi Boardwalk, Concrete, Crushed Stone
The Erie Trail (otherwise known as the North Judson Erie Trail) occupies the railbanked right-of-way of the former JK Line Railroad, running over eleven miles from downtown North Judson southeast to...
IN 11.1 mi Asphalt
Note: This developing route is not yet fully contiguous – it is just over 50% complete. Please refer to the Trail Map for more information on the existing sections of trail, as well as the online...
DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY 3743.9 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone
Kokomo's nickname is the "City of Firsts" and the Industrial Heritage Trail celebrates its progressive and inventive past with public art and signage highlighting the historic significance of some of...
IN 4.82 mi Asphalt
The Lafayette Linear Park is a paved trail on the southern side of Lafayette, Indiana. The trail occupies a rail corridor once used by the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway...
IN 1.1 mi Asphalt
Overview The 27.1-mile Monon Trail stretches across central Indiana between Indianapolis and Sheridan, to the north. About the Route The trail's northern endpoint is located in Sheridan, near...
IN 27.1 mi Asphalt
The Monterey Erie Trail occupies the same railbanked corridor as the longer North Judson Erie Trail to its west, and the two rail-trails are planned to be linked in the future. The paved pathway...
IN 0.6 mi Asphalt
Overview The Nickel Plate Trail traverses rural Indiana for 37.8 miles between Rochester and the outskirts of Kokomo, with a short gap in the middle in Peru.  About the Route With a northern...
IN 37.8 mi Asphalt
Indiana’s Panhandle Pathway follows a former Pennsylvania Railroad corridor out of Winamac south to Kenneth. Along the way, the trail links the communities of Star City, Thornhope, and Royal Center...
IN 22 mi Asphalt
Although short at less than 1 mile long, the Paradise Spring Riverwalk Trail is well worth a trip. Located in eastern Wabash, the scenic loop trail winds through Paradise Spring Historical Park and...
IN 0.82 mi Asphalt
The Sweetser Switch Trail is a “sweet” paved rail-trail and an important regional connector in spite of its short 4-mile length. The trail joins the 2-mile Converse Junction Trail in the west and a...
IN 4 mi Asphalt
Indiana’s Trolley Line Trail runs through popular Happy Hollow Park in West Lafayette. In addition to the paved trail, the 81-acre park offers a softball field, open turf area, hiking trails,...
IN 1.3 mi Asphalt
Following the Wabash River for 7 miles, the Wabash River Trail combines a community pathway, river recreation, canal history, and land conservation. The trail offers the opportunity to experience the...
IN 7 mi Asphalt
The Cloverleaf Trail is a recreational trail in Kokomo, Indiana, that was built on a former Norfolk Southern railroad bed. The trail extends from Madison Street to Markland Avenue, with an extension...
IN 1.65 mi Asphalt
The Little Turtle Waterway Trail covers 1 mile along the Wabash River and is part of a 5-acre park in downtown Logansport. The rail-trail part of the equation comes from what is called the Gateway,...
IN 1 mi Asphalt
A restored covered bridge that dates back to 1837 is the centerpiece of Noblesville’s White River Greenway, which opened in 1999. The level to gently rolling asphalt trail, which hugs the banks of the...
IN 5.9 mi Asphalt
The Erie Rail Trail runs 2.6 miles through the town of Huntington, linking Huntington University, Yeoman Park, and more. The rail-trail is wide and paved with a pedestrian bridge over the Little...
IN 2.59 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The Krebs Trailhead Park has a multiuse trail follows the former Winona Interurban Railroad. Located in southeast Warsaw, the paved rail-trail is a mile long as it runs through Krebs Trailhead Park...
IN 1 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The Lake Max Trail follows a former rail corridor south through Culver and provides new community connections. Eight- to ten-feet-wide with a surface of concrete and asphalt, the multi-use trail is...
IN 1.63 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The River Bluff Trail follows the Eel River for 1.3 miles along an elevated, paved surface, traversing some wooded areas. There are no street crossings along the way; the trail stretches between SR...
IN 1.3 mi Asphalt

Recent Trail Reviews

Great American Rail-Trail

such a beautiful trail!

October, 2024 by sherryschie

We started in Akron and rode about 18 miles north. Loved it!!!

Big 4 Trail (Lebanon to Colfax)

Colfax to Lebanon

October, 2024 by q4prh9v7k7

What a great trail. Mostly wooded. All hard surface. Extremely enjoyable!

Cardinal Greenway

some sections better than others

September, 2024 by tandemspeaks

We rode about 35 miles of this trail August, 2024. Day 1: D street trailhead to Williamsburg (22 miles round trip). Very rough road in Richmond and heavy traffic at 2 road crossings. Once we got to Webster it was a lovely ride to Williamsburg. Porta-john at Webster and Williamsburg. Nice little shelter with picnic tables in Williamsburg too. Day 2: Williamsburg to Losantville (25 miles round trip). Alternated between wooded areas and open farmland. Saw some animals and birds - including cardinals. The last 3 miles into Losantville follows US 35 and there is a lot of vehicle noise but the trail does not force you to cross US 35. We did walk across 35 in Losantville to gas station for drink and snack - there was some tables and chairs outside. Also used the restroom. Day 3: Medford north to just past US 35 (27 miles round trip). This is roughest part of path we rode. There were not only horizontal cracks but also deep vertical cracks in pavement that were dangerous to bike tires. Not much shade and not very scenic with several heavy traffic rode crossings, including crossing US 35 twice. We did stop at depot in Muncie. Nice restrooms, gift shop and trail info, including mileage chart that I did not find online anywhere.


Panhandle Pathway

Good But Not Great

September, 2024 by rma101560

I rode the Panhandle Pathway from the Kenneth trailhead to Winimac and back. Overall, it is a good trail for those who are wanting to get away from the crowds and do some riding. There is nothing specific to to tell about the trail except that the Tippecanoe River bridge is very well done. The trail is flat and easy to ride. The Winimac trailhead area is nice because there are public restrooms directly adjacent to the trail. Conversely, the Panhandle is experiencing the inevitable problem that comes with time. There are several areas that have tree roots heaving and then cracking the trail surface.

Wabash River Trail

Loved this trail

September, 2024 by ptaylor5505

This is a beautiful trail. We had to stop for two fawns standing on the trail. We watched a doe and a bald eagle in the river. There is a hairpin turn as you near Lagro, that has an immediate uphill climb.

Sweetser Switch Trail

my favorite trail

August, 2024 by andy_marsh

Run in this trail and the connecting converse junction trail several times a week. Feels like a safe place, lots of shade, pretty flat. Kept in good shape.

Great American Rail-Trail

West bound from Ellensburg. August 2024

August, 2024 by tastesbadtobears

We ( recumbent trike & e-bike) headed West from the Kiwanis park. Turned around after 9km as the surface was really tough on the trike. There’s 2 good wheel tracks for bikes, but the trike had to ride partially in the coarse trail ballast. Scenic area with farm views and a huge windmill farm in the distance.

Monon Trail

Round trip 54 miles

July, 2024 by tjmodd

Rode the full length of this trail round trip. It’s well maintained and used by many people. Great surface for road bikes. Lots of places along the trail to stop and eat. Nice bridges. Lots of road crossings but many people were courteous and would stop for bike crossing, runners, and walkers. Equal mix of shade and sun. This is a great trail.

Erie Rail Trail

no where to park

July, 2024 by sickvic427

It’s a fun trail only downfall is there’s no where to park at the start of the trail unless you park at the ymca the only place is at yeoman park which is like starting in the middle of the trail.

Erie Trail

Have always loved this trail. Peaceful ride. Only thing is we just went down it on 7/6/2024. It needs a lot of repairs soon or it isn't going to last long. Sad because we love riding this trail.

July, 2024 by tkb12868

Have always loved this trail. Peaceful ride. Only thing is we just went down it on 7/6/2024. It needs a lot of repairs soon or it isn't going to last long. Sad because we love riding this trail.

Big 4 Trail (Lebanon to Colfax)

June 30 - Thorntown to Colfax

July, 2024 by kevin.gruneisen

Rode the Big 4, parking at Thorntown, riding to Colfax and back. The ride was roughly 6 miles one way with limited elevation. The asphalt path is good, a little bumpy out of Thorntown but smooths out for a nice ride. The path was cluttered with vegetation following the storms the day before. This part of the path is well covered providing good shade and wind block. Be sure to notice the birdhouses tucked into the trees as you near Colfax. Enjoy.

Big 4 Trail (Lebanon to Colfax)

Nice Solitary Ride!

June, 2024 by gregmclochlin

I’m an EBiker, and LOVE the solitude! Smooth, paved trail with very short paths invaded by fairly low tree roots. I stopped for lunch at STOOKLEYS which I HIGHLY recommend! Yum! I started in Colfax, at the trail end, and went almost to Lebanon, then turned back, (out and back.) BEAUTIFUL DAY!!

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