Hanover, NH Birding Trails and Maps

409 Reviews

Looking for the best Birding trails around Hanover?

Find the top rated birding trails in Hanover, whether you're looking for an easy short birding trail or a long birding trail, you'll find what you're looking for. Click on a birding trail below to find trail descriptions, trail maps, photos, and reviews.

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39 Results

Franconia Notch Recreation Path

8.7 mi
State: NH

Guinea Pond and Flat Mountain Trails

11.5 mi
State: NH
Ballast, Dirt, Grass

Lake Winnisquam Scenic Trail

1.58 mi
State: NH

Lamoille Valley Rail Trail

94.3 mi
State: VT
Crushed Stone, Dirt, Gravel

Laverack Nature Trail at Hawkins Brook

0.6 mi
State: NH
Boardwalk, Crushed Stone

Lincoln Woods Trail

2.7 mi
State: NH

Mascoma River Greenway

2.78 mi
State: NH
Asphalt, Gravel

Millstone Hill West Bike Path

2.4 mi
State: VT
Asphalt, Ballast

Northern Rail Trail

57.8 mi
State: NH
Cinder, Crushed Stone

Sawyer River Trail / Sawyer River Road

7.5 mi
State: NH
Ballast, Dirt, Grass, Sand

West River Trail (Windham County)

16.1 mi
State: VT
Asphalt, Dirt, Gravel, Sand

Blackmount Rail Trail

5 mi
State: NH
Cinder, Gravel, Woodchips

Bobby Woodman Rail Trail

1.7 mi
State: NH
Dirt, Gravel

Cheshire Rail Trail (Cheshire Branch Rail Trail)

42.4 mi
State: NH
Asphalt, Ballast, Cinder, Dirt, Gravel, Sand

Cross Vermont Trail (Montpelier & Wells River Trail)

22.9 mi
State: VT
Ballast, Dirt, Gravel, Sand

Delaware and Hudson Rail-Trail

25.8 mi
State: NY, VT
Asphalt, Cinder, Dirt, Grass, Gravel

Stevens Rail Trail

1.65 mi
State: NH
Crushed Stone, Gravel

Sugar River Trail

9.5 mi
State: NH
Ballast, Gravel, Sand

Toonerville Rail-Trail

3.2 mi
State: VT

WOW Trail

2.7 mi
State: NH

Winnipesaukee River Trail

4.94 mi
State: NH
Asphalt, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Gravel

Ammonoosuc Rail Trail

23.46 mi
State: NH
Ballast, Dirt, Gravel, Sand

Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail

5.65 mi
State: NH
Asphalt, Boardwalk, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Gravel

Cross Vermont Trail

87.4 mi
State: VT
Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Grass, Gravel

Hillsborough Recreational Rail Trail

7.8 mi
State: NH
Crushed Stone, Dirt

South Barre Bike Path

1 mi
State: VT

Village Spur Rail Trail

2.1 mi
State: NH
Asphalt, Dirt, Grass

Battell Woods Trail

5 mi
State: VT
Dirt, Gravel

Black Pond Trail

0.8 mi
State: NH

Franconia Brook Trail

7.2 mi
State: NH

Henniker & Hopkinton Rail Trails

6.7 mi
State: NH
Dirt, Grass, Gravel, Sand

Littleton Riverwalk

0.5 mi
State: NH

Means Woods Trail

0.5 mi
State: VT
Dirt, Gravel

Oliverian Brook Trail

3.5 mi
State: NH

Profile Recreational Rail Trail

2.3 mi
State: NH
Cinder, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Grass, Gravel, Sand

Warner Rail Trail and Bagley Rail Trail

1 mi
State: NH
Crushed Stone, Gravel

Wright Park Trail

3.8 mi
State: VT
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
Note: Fees are charged at Flume Gorge, Cannon Mountain Aerial Tramway, and Echo Lake Beach. Bike rentals and shuttles are available at the Tramway. Overview The Franconia Notch Recreation Path...
NH 8.7 mi Asphalt
These connecting trails follow the bed of the old Beebe River Railroad up to Flat Mountain Pond, a large, remote pool high in the Sandwich Range Wilderness. This is a great trip for advanced mountain...
NH 11.5 mi Ballast, Dirt, Grass
Overview Lake Winnisquam is New Hampshire’s fourth largest lake, and taking the Lake Winnisquam Scenic Trail is one of the best ways to experience it. Meaning “pleasant waters,” Lake Winnisquam...
NH 1.58 mi Asphalt
Closure Notice: The Lamoille Valley Rail Trail is partially closed due to damage from the July 2023 flooding and recent 2024 flooding. Please see the Vermont Rail Trail System website for the latest...
VT 94.3 mi Crushed Stone, Dirt, Gravel
The Laverack Nature Trail at Hawkins Brook is an ADA compliant nature trail that offers views of wetlands, forests, and wildlife. Located in the Town of Meredith, this trail connects the village...
NH 0.6 mi Boardwalk, Crushed Stone
The Lincoln Woods Trail runs for 2.6 miles along the east branch of the Pemigewasset River. You can combine the trail with other trails that run through the forest in the White Mountains of New...
NH 2.7 mi Ballast
The Mascoma River Greenway is a planned 4-mile rail-trail through the heart of Lebanon. The paved, multiuse trail is currently 2.78 miles, offering a pleasant opportunity for both recreation and...
NH 2.78 mi Asphalt, Gravel
The Millstone Hill West Bike Path connects the charming communities of Graniteville and Websterville in central Vermont. The trail is part of the Central Vermont Path, a proposed trail network to...
VT 2.4 mi Asphalt, Ballast
The Montpelier Recreation Path, which follows the Winooski River in downtown Montpelier, is currently divided into two paved pathways: Winooski West and Winooski East on either side of Main Street....
VT 1.94 mi Asphalt
Overview Spanning nearly 58 miles from Lebanon to Boscawen, the Northern Rail Trail is New Hampshire’s longest rail-trail conversion. It weaves through Grafton and Merrimack counties and is less...
NH 57.8 mi Cinder, Crushed Stone
The Sawyer River Trail/Sawyer River Road lies deep in the forested heart of the 1,200-square-mile White Mountain National Forest. The 7.5-mile route traces an old logging railroad that’s now part...
NH 7.5 mi Ballast, Dirt, Grass, Sand
The West River Railroad, which once followed its namesake river for 36 miles, began passenger service in the late 1800s as a way to trim the two-day voyage between Brattleboro and South Londonderry to...
VT 16.1 mi Asphalt, Dirt, Gravel, Sand
In Woodsville the trail starts across from the Subway Restaurant across from the the Oceans Job Lot Store and next to the Woodsville Machine Shop and YES Yankee Electrical Supply up and down a short...
NH 5 mi Cinder, Gravel, Woodchips
The Bobby Woodman Rail Trail, a hard-packed dirt and gravel pathway, begins off a quiet street at the southern end of Claremont and quickly dives under pleasant tree cover. After about a half mile,...
NH 1.7 mi Dirt, Gravel
Overview The Cheshire Rail Trail connects Fitzwilliam, Troy, Keene, Westmoreland and Walpole. The 42.4-mile trail has a mostly gravel and dirt surface. The rail-trail plays host to a variety of...
NH 42.4 mi Asphalt, Ballast, Cinder, Dirt, Gravel, Sand
Locals lovingly describe the Cross Vermont Trail as a patchwork quilt that will ultimately form a 90-mile trail from Lake Champlain in the west to the Connecticut River in the east. A component of the...
VT 22.9 mi Ballast, Dirt, Gravel, Sand
Overview The Delaware and Hudson Rail-Trail follows the flowing contours of the western Vermont countryside, rambling in and out of New York state, where there is a 4-mile gap. This border area is...
NY, VT 25.8 mi Asphalt, Cinder, Dirt, Grass, Gravel
The Stevens Rail Trail is part of the Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail, which follows the historic Concord-Claremont Railroad corridor. Located about a dozen miles west of Concord, the Stevens Rail...
NH 1.65 mi Crushed Stone, Gravel
Overview  The Sugar River Trail runs for 9.5 miles between Claremont and Newport along the old Sugar River Railroad corridor. The 9.5-mile trail crosses its namesake river seven times—twice on...
NH 9.5 mi Ballast, Gravel, Sand
The Toonerville Rail-Trail shadows the Black River for most of its 3.2-mile length in eastern Springfield to the border with New Hampshire across the Connecticut River. The route originally carried an...
VT 3.2 mi Asphalt
Overview The WOW Trail is named after the three bodies of water that can be seen from this rail trail: Lake Winnipesaukee, Opechee Bay, and Lake Winnisquam. This picturesque 2.7-mile trail shares a...
NH 2.7 mi Asphalt
Many rail-trails start at a vintage depot, an old caboose, or a rusty locomotive acquired by the local historical society. The Warren to East Haverhill Railroad Grade Trail, however, starts at the...
NH 10.8 mi Dirt
Overview The Winnipesaukee River Trail runs for nearly 5 miles between the towns of Franklin and Tilton, nestled in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. About the Route The Winnipesaukee...
NH 4.94 mi Asphalt, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Gravel
Overview The Ammonoosuc Rail Trail carries its users for 23.46 miles along the scenic river that shares the trail's name. The river itself is a destination for fishing, kayaking, and canoeing. The...
NH 23.46 mi Ballast, Dirt, Gravel, Sand
Following the historic Concord-Claremont Railroad corridor, the Concord–Lake Sunapee Rail Trail will eventually connect communities from Concord to the southern point of Lake Sunapee via a multiuse...
NH 5.65 mi Asphalt, Boardwalk, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Gravel
The Cross Vermont Trail (CVT) is a statewide route that links a number of Vermont trails and includes on-road sections. As of January 2016, 87 miles of trail are built and scattered across the state....
VT 87.4 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Grass, Gravel
Hillsborough Recreational Rail Trail connects three communities in south-central New Hampshire: Hillsborough, Deering, and Bennington. The unpaved trail winds along the Contoocook River through rural...
NH 7.8 mi Crushed Stone, Dirt
The South Barre Bike Path is a paved trail approximately 1 mile long, running from Bridge Street in south Barre to Fairview Street in Barre City. The path passes the Barre City Elementary and Middle...
VT 1 mi Asphalt
The Village Spur Rail Trail begins in downtown Belmont, and stretches from behind the Belmont Mill to the Tioga River on the west side of South Road. Out and back for the entire trail is about four...
NH 2.1 mi Asphalt, Dirt, Grass
The Battell Woods Trail is a network of loops through the forest preserve, between US 7/SR 125 at the south end and Seminary Street Extension on the north end. The eastern-most segment of the trail...
VT 5 mi Dirt, Gravel
The Black Pond Trail itself is short but it can be linked with other trails that run through the forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, just northeast of Lincoln. Specifically, the Black Pond...
NH 0.8 mi Dirt
The Franconia Brook Trail runs from just north of the confluence of the east branch of the Pemigewasset River and Franconia Branch. Note that bicycling is not permitted along the route. You can...
NH 7.2 mi Ballast
The Henniker Rail Trail is an unpaved single-track path that follows a former rail corridor for 2.3 miles. The rail-trail picks up east of the former passenger station. Situated south of the Town of...
NH 6.7 mi Dirt, Grass, Gravel, Sand
If you find yourself exploring the town of Littleton, New Hampshire, do yourself a favor and hit the riverwalk. Though only half a mile long, the riverside walkway is beloved by tourists coming to see...
NH 0.5 mi Asphalt
The Means Woods Trail is a segment of the Trail Around Middlebury (TAM) and runs between Seminary Street Extension into Means Woods and the Aurora School off Peterson Terrace, east of the downtown...
VT 0.5 mi Dirt, Gravel
The Oliverian Brook Trail follows the course of Oliverian Brook through the dense forest of White Mountain National Forest. The trail, open to cross-country skiing in winter, heads toward Passaconaway...
NH 3.5 mi Dirt
Open for a variety of recreational activities, the Profile Trail is a 1.5-mile multi-use natural surface path in the Town of Bethlehem. Running between US Route 3 and US Route 302, the trail runs...
NH 2.3 mi Cinder, Crushed Stone, Dirt, Grass, Gravel, Sand
The Warner Rail Trail and the Bagley Field Rail Trail are part of the Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail, an eventual 34-mile rail-trail connecting Lake Sunapee and Concord, New Hampshire's state...
NH 1 mi Crushed Stone, Gravel
Wright Park Trail forms a loop over nearly 4 miles (not all shown on the map) throughout the heavily wooded Wright Park. The White Circle Trail follows Otter Creek River, and along here you'll pass...
VT 3.8 mi Dirt

Recent Trail Reviews

Franconia Notch Recreation Path

Riders beware

September, 2024 by dibergie

I started this ride at the northernmost end (Skookumchuck) and rode all the way to The Flume. Unfortunately, my time there was limited, and I would have loved to stop at the many available sites along the way. Many places to stop for a bite, see nature, read about history, and use bathrooms. But be aware that this is a very hilly ride. You will have hills to climb, and you will descend very quickly. There are also a few sharp turns. Be on the lookout for walkers, other bikers, and pet walkers. The trail, while asphalt, is also bumpy due to tree roots growing underneath.

Franconia Notch Recreation Path

woodsy ride

September, 2024 by daniellefort

Started at the very north end just before the interstate starts and went to the parking lot of The Flume. It was 10.1 miles. Had some very steep hills, some picnic tables scattered along the trail and some nice scenic spots. Not my favorite trail due to the hills as I ride on a trike with a passenger seat for my daughter and struggled getting up the hills but it is very scenic.

Winnipesaukee River Trail

well maintained with beautiful views of the river

August, 2024 by brenda.viglienzoni

This trail was lovely. I did the entire trail both ways in a couple of hours. Mostly flat and well maintained. Began in Tilton on Rt 140 and road to the end in Franklin. Many nice places to stop along the way. Took some great pictures. It was a bit confusing when the trail ends and you are routed down Main Street in Tilton. I almost turned around at this point. Honestly It’s really not that far through town. Just be careful of cars backing out of parking spots. The vistas are worth it, keep going. Looking forward to checking out another trail.


Northern Rail Trail

great trail

August, 2024 by mflayhan

One of the best biking trails smooth great steady cruiser trail loved it

Franconia Notch Recreation Path

Gorgeous bike ride

August, 2024 by smgohman

We only had an hour before sunset but went from the flume visitor center to the basin. We loved it!

Lamoille Valley Rail Trail

Outstanding bike trail

June, 2024 by pyattjm

We rode from Oxbow Riverfront Park (plenty of parking, bathroom) in Morrisville to Cambridge Junction. Round trip about 34 miles. The surface was perfect for our dual sport bikes. Compact smooth gravel. Lost Nation brewery is on the path about a mile from Oxbow. Nice place to have a beer after.

Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail

so much to do

June, 2024 by carmen347

I have been waiting to try this route for several years. Always hearing that it wasn’t close to being finished. I was very disappointed to see firsthand that virtually nothing has been done for those years. The first mile from Concord is covered with packed cinder, but beyond that the trail is still raw and rough with exposed rocks and roots. Not sure why this project has stalled but I will not be riding it or supporting it until domething more is done to show progress. tiding it ir supporting it until I see something

Delaware and Hudson Rail-Trail

We biked the entire northern half of the D&H Rail Trail to the NY state line. Was pleasantly surprised to find no ruts. Trail was mostly made up of crushed stone. It's mostly a scenic ride, I would recommend this Rail Trail.

June, 2024 by mdnkcn

We biked the entire northern half of the D&H Rail Trail to the NY state line. Was pleasantly surprised to find no ruts. Trail was mostly made up of crushed stone. It's mostly a scenic ride, I would recommend this Rail Trail.

Northern Rail Trail

Rode from Lebanon to Grafton, beautiful trail, especially for a gravel bike. There some single track sections, but that added to experience. Loved the fact that it crossed the river many times thus many bridges and several tunnels.

June, 2024 by klracicot

Rode from Lebanon to Grafton, beautiful trail, especially for a gravel bike. There some single track sections, but that added to experience. Loved the fact that it crossed the river many times thus many bridges and several tunnels.

Laverack Nature Trail at Hawkins Brook

An All Person Trail

June, 2024 by 7zvnmykbyx

This trail was designed with accessibility in mind. There is ample parking. Half the trail is in the sun and the rest is shaded. There is a combination of boardwalk and sustainable trail. People who use mobility devices - manual chairs, scooters, electric wheelchairs will find this a user friendly trail. It’s quiet, follows a brook, and is teeming with birds. There is also informational signs along the trail that describe the habitat. ,

Lamoille Valley Rail Trail

Rented bikes from Power Play Sports in Morrisville. Rode out and back to Jeffersonville. Very enjoyable and a nice workout. Well maintained trail.

May, 2024 by alanwines

Rented bikes from Power Play Sports in Morrisville. Rode out and back to Jeffersonville. Very enjoyable and a nice workout. Well maintained trail.

WOW Trail

Ok Trail

May, 2024 by justin.c.perry84

This was an OK trail. We enjoyed that it was pretty well marked with the exception of one crossing near some train tracks. Too many road crossing points. Portions of the trail were rough because of roots growing under the pavement. We actually saw a runner take a pretty nasty spill because of the rough surface. It was nice to check it out, but we won’t go out of our way to come back.

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