Anacortes, WA Hike Trails and Maps

220 Reviews

Looking for the best Hike trails around Anacortes?

Find the top rated hike trails in Anacortes, whether you're looking for an easy short hike trail or a long hike trail, you'll find what you're looking for. Click on a hike trail below to find trail descriptions, trail maps, photos, and reviews.

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27 Results

Bayview Trail

2.6 mi
State: WA

Cascade Trail

22.9 mi
State: WA
Crushed Stone, Gravel

Centennial Trail (WA)

30.6 mi
State: WA

Ebey Waterfront Trail

1.8 mi
State: WA

Great American Rail-Trail

3743.9 mi
State: DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY
Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Interurban Trail North

24 mi
State: WA

Lowell Riverfront Trail

1.75 mi
State: WA
Asphalt, Dirt, Gravel

Olympic Discovery Trail

90 mi
State: WA
Asphalt, Crushed Stone, Dirt

Pigeon Creek Trail

0.9 mi
State: WA

Railroad Trail

3.5 mi
State: WA
Crushed Stone, Gravel

Tommy Thompson Trail

3.3 mi
State: WA

Bay to Baker Trail (Bellingham)

1.4 mi
State: WA
Gravel, Sand

Guemes Channel Trail

1.2 mi
State: WA
Asphalt, Gravel

Hertz Trail

3.1 mi
State: WA

Interurban Trail (Bellingham)

6.7 mi
State: WA
Crushed Stone, Dirt

Kulshan Creek Trail

2.9 mi
State: WA
Asphalt, Concrete

North Creek Trail

7.25 mi
State: WA
Asphalt, Dirt

Padilla Bay Shore Trail

2.2 mi
State: WA

South Bay Trail

2.5 mi
State: WA
Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone

Squires Lake Trail

0.4 mi
State: WA
Dirt, Gravel

Whitehorse Regional Trail

26.6 mi
State: WA
Ballast, Gravel

Bay to Baker Trail (Maple Falls to Glacier)

7.5 mi
State: WA
Dirt, Gravel

Semiahmoo Parkway Trail

3.5 mi
State: WA

Bay to Baker Trail (Everson)

1.6 mi
State: WA
Concrete, Crushed Stone

Larrabee Trail

1 mi
State: WA
Crushed Stone

Peace Portal Community Trail

1.1 mi
State: WA

State Route 20 Arboreta Trail

1.5 mi
State: WA
Asphalt, Crushed Stone
Trail Image Trail Name States Length Surface Rating
The Bayview Trail is a recreational path located near the top of Whiskey Ridge. The trail occupies the utility corridor, weaving under power lines and undulating as it crosses from 84th Street down to...
WA 2.6 mi Asphalt
Overview  The Cascade Trail runs for 23 miles between Sedro-Woolley and Concrete and follows the Skagit River as it parallels State Route 20 into the Cascade foothills of northwest Washington....
WA 22.9 mi Crushed Stone, Gravel
Overview  History lures visitors to the Centennial Trail, which runs for thirty miles through Snohomish County, Washington. Trail users are reminded of old-time river and railroad settlements in...
WA 30.6 mi Asphalt
The Ebey Waterfront Trail offers visitors a front seat to both nature and history. Beginning at Ebey Waterfront Park, the wide, blacktop trail stretches nearly two miles along Ebey Slough before...
WA 1.8 mi Asphalt
Note: This developing route is not yet fully contiguous – it is just over 50% complete. Please refer to the Trail Map for more information on the existing sections of trail, as well as the online...
DC, IA, ID, IL, IN, MD, MT, NE, OH, PA, WA, WV, WY 3743.9 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone
The Interurban Trail between Seattle and Everett stitches together a dense residential and commercial patchwork that the original electric railway helped to grow in the early part of the 20th century....
WA 24 mi Asphalt
The Lowell Riverfront Trail is a multi-use trail located within Rotary Park. The paved trail travels from the park entrance to the north end following the Snohomish River. You can encounter numerous...
WA 1.75 mi Asphalt, Dirt, Gravel
The Olympic Discovery Trail (ODT) will one day stretch 138 miles from Puget Sound to the Pacific Ocean. Traversing ancestral lands of the Coast Salish and S’Klallam People, the trail is an ideal way...
WA 90 mi Asphalt, Crushed Stone, Dirt
The Pigeon Creek Trail runs along an operating port terminal and users of the trail are are protected from the secured industrial terminal by a fence, which runs along side the trail. You will...
WA 0.9 mi Asphalt
The Railroad Trail through east Bellingham runs for more than 3 miles between the city's Bloedel Donovan Park and Memorial Park, providing an off-road alternative to the cross-town route of Alabama...
WA 3.5 mi Crushed Stone, Gravel
Overview Though relatively short at 3.3 miles, the Tommy Thompson Trail stands tall in the ferry port of Anacortes for its notable 2,000-foot-long paved trestle spanning picturesque Fidalgo...
WA 3.3 mi Asphalt
The Bellingham segment of the Bay to Baker Trail runs for 1.4 miles along an abandoned railroad right-of-way between Little Squalicum Park on Bellingham Bay and Northwest Avenue. The trail is sand and...
WA 1.4 mi Gravel, Sand
Guemes Channel Trail will link downtown Anacortes, the Tommy Thompson Trail, and the San Juan Ferry. Both trails offer shoreline routes along old rail corridors. The Guemes Channel Trail is...
WA 1.2 mi Asphalt, Gravel
The Hertz Trail (also known as the North Lake Whatcom Trail) follows the eastern shoreline of Washington's fourth largest freshwater lake. The relatively flat, fine-gravel pathway traces the former...
WA 3.1 mi Gravel
Spectacular views across Bellingham Bay to the San Juan Islands and beyond reward visitors of this Interurban Trail. All they have to do is find a clearing along the wooded path that runs a fairly...
WA 6.7 mi Crushed Stone, Dirt
The Kulshan Creek Trail links Mount Vernon's downtown area with commercial and residential areas. Use the trail to access schools, parks, natural areas and community gardens. The Kulshan Trail runs...
WA 2.9 mi Asphalt, Concrete
The North Creek Trail links the cities of Bothell, Mill Creek and Everett, as well as the communities in between. The trail also provides access to the Sammamish River Trail, which connects to the...
WA 7.25 mi Asphalt, Dirt
The Padilla Bay Shore Trail offers a gravel route of just over 2 miles atop a dike along the Padilla Bay in Northwest Washington. Adventurers will enjoy the scenic natural setting only about 70 miles...
WA 2.2 mi Gravel
The South Bay Trail is a tourist's dream and a sweet summer spot for locals. The small city of Bellingham, 20 miles from the Canadian border, lies between 10,781-foot Mount Baker and Bellingham Bay...
WA 2.5 mi Asphalt, Concrete, Crushed Stone
The Squires Lake Trail offers a short, but scenic, route along a former railroad grade about 13 miles south of Bellingham, the largest city in Whatcom County. The surface is dirt and gravel, but the...
WA 0.4 mi Dirt, Gravel
Closure Notice: Between the Centennial Trail (western endpoint) and the Trafton trailhead and just east of 435th street in Darrington are closed as of September 11th, 2023 due to washouts. See...
WA 26.6 mi Ballast, Gravel
The Maple Falls to Glacier segment of the Bay to Baker Trail traces the route of the former Bellingham Bay Railroad between two small Washington towns not far from the Canadian border. The trail...
WA 7.5 mi Dirt, Gravel
The Semiahmoo Parkway Trail blends the beauty of the Pacific Northwest's famous landscapes in one trip. The trail begins in the wooded Semiahmoo uplands and descends to Drayton Harbor and the...
WA 3.5 mi Asphalt
The Everson section of the Bay to Baker Trail runs for more than 1.5 miles from the unincorporated community of Strandell to Everson's downtown along an abandoned rail corridor. The trail is adjacent...
WA 1.6 mi Concrete, Crushed Stone
The Larrabee Trail in the Fairhaven suburb of Bellingham runs for 1 easy mile over rolling terrain. The trail meanders along Lower Padden Creek from the Port of Bellingham Marine Park by the water...
WA 1 mi Crushed Stone
Jogging, rollerblading, walking dogs, pushing strollers and riding bikes are some of the ways that residents of Blaine take advantage of the Peace Portal Community Trail. At 10-feet wide, the trail...
WA 1.1 mi Asphalt
The State Route 20 Arboreta Trail—also known as the Highway 20 Trail—was developed in the 1970s after a donation of the right-of-way to the City of Burlington by a private citizen. The trail, which is...
WA 1.5 mi Asphalt, Crushed Stone

Recent Trail Reviews

North Creek Trail

not for wheels

September, 2024 by aliciashankland_tl

Much of the asphalt is severely buckled in the miles heading toward Bothell. So many that you cannot avoid or bike around big sections of long and high ridges and cracks. The bumps cover far more area than smooth pavement. There is also a stretch of very large rock gravel on a narrow, elevated path near where the path intersects with 405.

Centennial Trail (WA)

Nice varied trail

August, 2024 by swvn2cp6ym

Nice wide smooth trail. Lots of different views as one goes along.

Hertz Trail


August, 2024 by rxrayinc

Easy walk/ride. So much plant life to see.


Great American Rail-Trail

West bound from Ellensburg. August 2024

August, 2024 by tastesbadtobears

We ( recumbent trike & e-bike) headed West from the Kiwanis park. Turned around after 9km as the surface was really tough on the trike. There’s 2 good wheel tracks for bikes, but the trike had to ride partially in the coarse trail ballast. Scenic area with farm views and a huge windmill farm in the distance.

Centennial Trail (WA)

Rural and sylvan ride N of Seattle

July, 2024 by ron242

76° on a late afternoon Sunday in July, but the asphalt Centennial Trail from the Pilchuck Trailhead in Snohomish to Arlington was only lightly traveled - occasional families and friends cycling or ped’ing - on my year-later return visit cycling this rural trail.

Pilchuck trailhead, it turns out, while a couple miles further north from the endpoint in Snohomish itself, is faster to get to from Seattle. It's actually about .2 miles north of 6398 S Machias Rd., the address I’d put into Maps, but keep your eyes open: its large gravel parking lot (with portapotties) on the east side of Machias Road is hard to miss.

Embarking north from Pilchuck trailhead, the trail parallels S Machias Rd for 2.8 miles, passing one farm after another, then crosses it at a signal before angling into the countryside; at 3.3 miles it reaches a train depot with restrooms - the Machias trailhead.

At 4.1 miles the trail returns to paralleling Machias Rd as the valley narrows. At 4.8 miles the terrain transitions from farmland to sylvan and what was mostly flat trail angles up to a slightly uphill grade that over the next four miles takes cyclists and peds from the valley to the ridge.

At 5.9 miles, the Lake Stevens trailhead’s large gravel lot signals a bit more than a mile of light industrial, the Hartford trailhead turn off early in that mile, before we return to forest. At 7.8 miles, a mown wide shoulder on the east side of the trail sports sections of single track paralleling the paved trail, for the more adventurous among you.

At 8.8 miles, reaching the ridge, the trail flattens once more. At 9.5, on the west side, look just beyond the kiosk, picnic tables, and portapotties, where a wooden bridge provides access to Lake Cassidy. At 10.9 you pass the Getchell trailhead with its large gravel lot just to the east of the trail; just a hundred feet further, you may want to use the crossing signal for busy 84th St NE.

At 11.7 miles as you cross beneath Highway 9, you're at more or less the highest point on the trail, and begin the five-mile decline to Arlington. But you don’t get a view out across the valley until 13.2 miles from the Pilchuck trailhead, where a half mile or so of breaks in the forest and underbrush reveal lovely views of farmland below and the Olympics in the distance (not to mention a trailside billboard (!) advertising home lots with views just below).

Don’t be confused when you reach Armar Road at 15.9 miles and the trail appears to veer west - it’s just a leg off to the trailhead there, and more importantly a signal to horse riders to take the turn and not continue horseriding to Arlington. Cyclists and peds: to stay on the Centennial Trail, continue straight.

I turned around at 17 miles, when the trail began to literally be a sidewalk along busy 67th Ave NE, as it approaches Arlington.

Cascade Trail

Baker lake trailhead

July, 2024 by polycoder

The parking, the restrooms, the signage no longer exist.
Instead of going east from here to Concrete, we drove to Concrete and then took the trail west.
The park in Concrete was convenient and shaded.
Much better than parking at Baker lake road, even if it was available.

Olympic Discovery Trail

Aug 2023

July, 2024 by aaaronjeffrey.p

Started in Port Townsend and peddled all the way to La Push besides a ride through the gap around discovery bay. Passed through Sequim and stayed the night in Port Angeles on the first day. The next day I through lake crescent and stayed the night at Klahowya campground. On the third day I made it to La Push just around midday. It’s a great ride when it’s on the trail, but definitely some interesting stretches on the highway.

Whitehorse Regional Trail

Trafton to Oso Memorial and Back, June, 2024

June, 2024 by respite_tl

Have ridden the Whitehorse a number of times and enjoyed it each time. Trail is still closed between the Centennial Trail at Arlington and Trafton due to a slide. Its lightly used and a bit rough between Trafton and the Hwy 530 crossing where a short 2.3 mi paved section starts. It does smooth out a bit after the pavement and I always enjoy the bridges, river views, and mountains. The trail is paved thru the Oso Memorial to C Post Road. We were glad to see the memorial is finished and it is quite beautiful. It pays tribute to the 43 people who died as a result of the March 22, 2014, slide. Plan to spend a some time looking at the touching remembrances, there are bike racks, please don't ride your bike.

The trail does continue on to Darrington, but the times I've started from the memorial it was a bit overgrown. Plus there is a slide closer to Darrington. We plan to try it this summer.

Centennial Trail (WA)

Snohomish Centennial Trail

May, 2024 by surfintrekie_tl

I rented a bike from the Snohomish Bike shop on Pine Ave. The shop is right next to the trail. I cycled the trail to the end at Nakashima Heritage Barn North Trailhead, about 29 miles from the bike shop, I cycled back to Snohomish. there are lots of trailheads all have either a restroom or a portapotty. However, none of the drinking fountains were working, the bike shop rent a bike only had one water bottle cage. In Arlington there is an art walk and a nice coffee stop. my ride ended at 62.6 miles. A bucket list ride

Interurban Trail North

Great trail! Signage is pretty clear and it's a fun bike ride. I'm going to try some longer trails after this.

October, 2023 by emavinil

Great trail! Signage is pretty clear and it's a fun bike ride. I'm going to try some longer trails after this.

Whitehorse Regional Trail

white horse trail

October, 2023 by jemaeandray

Rode the trail from darrington to trafton with a car at both ends on a bluebird day. Blue sky, fall colors, salmon swimming upstream. What a day! Enjoyed the eastern half of the trail a bit more than the western half. It was more wooded and further away from Hwy 530. It was also narrower so difficult to ride abreast. Eastern half is all gravel while western half has several extended paved sections. Don’t know how those decisions were made. Crossed well over a dozen bridges/trestles on the trail. The bridges were slick as snot due to wet leaves so use caution

Cascade Trail

Autumn Ride on Cascade Trail, WA

October, 2023 by cmartindunlop

Did most of this trail today (starting in Sedro-Woolley)—38.2 miles in total. We turned around just before Hurn Field Conservation Area. There’s a big tree down across the trail at Hamilton Junction but you can get over it (although tough lifting a 65 pound e-bike). There’s also a partially collapsed trestle bridge over a creek that had no water in it. No problem still getting over bridge—just have to get off your bike. Overall, a beautiful trail that is in pretty good shape. One area has some deep ruts. Fall colors of deciduous trees were wonderful. Trail got less and less busy as we got closer to Concrete but not busy for a sunny Sunday. Some parts you’re close to Hwy. 20 unfortunately.

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