Garden City, MI Snowmobiling Trails and Maps

763 Reviews

Looking for the best Snowmobiling trails around Garden City?

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Metro Parkway Trail

come on

January, 2025 by leafman1010

Yes there are a lot if bumps and rough patches on this trail, but its better then being stuck inside

Huron Valley Trail

dangerous crossings

January, 2025 by detroitgirl11

Crossing pontiac trail going west is Extremely dangerous - you cannot see cars on the curve and they cannot see you! And they are driving 50 mph. It’s crazy that other crossings with much less traffic have lights but this one does not. Milford rd also needs a light. Otherwise it’s a great trail.

Island Lake Trail Connector

Use it as a Connector Trail

January, 2025 by clonetrooper5373

It's so short you don't spend on any time on it, so you want either walk it or use it to hop on a different trail.


South LyonTrail

A nice Trail with a Decent Length

December, 2024 by clonetrooper5373

This trail takes you through woods, behind a sports field and culminates in a residential area.

It's smooth and flat, with the exception of the final segment, which gets somewhat hilly.

Please note that of Dec '24 the last few yards are cut of by construction, with an unknown finish date.

I would recommend this trail to anyone looking.

Matthaei Botanical Gardens Trail

Nice but short

December, 2024 by clonetrooper5373

This is nice trail to do on foot (any other mode and it's over in a jiff lol) that is always curvy and smooth.

Massasauga rattlesnakes are known to be in this area, so please be aware.

Kiwanis Trail

Enjoyable but with flaws

December, 2024 by clonetrooper5373

KT is an fun nature trail that has some issues that keep it from being perfect. The first is road crossings, which are quite frequent. Another is that the trial is somewhat bumpy, with said bumps being invisible until ride over them with your bike.

Still, the trail is a pretty good length, and keeps you away from urban noises and distractions for the most part, as it keeps you in a nature setting for the whole trip.

I would definitely recommend this trail to anyone considering it.

Milford Trail

Hilly but Enjoyable

November, 2024 by clonetrooper5373

The trail is flat and smooth, with no cracks or bumps that I remember. It’s rarely straight, being full of twists and turns.

It is *very* hilly especially near the YMCA parking lot so be ready to shift gears in a jiff.

Boardwalks and small lakes help break up the scenery a bit, and road crossings are rare.

This trail hosts mountain bike trails within its boundaries that intersect with this trail, so use cation and keep your eyes peeled.

It’s a good 8+ mile journey that I would recommend traveling to visit.

ITC Corridor Trail (Canton)


November, 2024 by clonetrooper5373

This is a short 6-mile round trip jaunt. The trail is smooth and flat throughout, composed of gravel.

While it’s not hilly (it’s a flat trail) the elevation was enough for me to drop from 7 speed to 5 speed for the duration and it went fine after that.

There isn’t much to see here except endless power line towers (similar to the ITC Corridor in Novi) which stretch the entire trail.

All in all I do think this is a good trail and look forward to returning one day.

Manchester Bike Trail

Short and Rough

November, 2024 by clonetrooper5373

This trail is a quick, done-in-under-30 min-type of trail. It starts off in a nature setting that quickly gives way to urban almost immediately, with nature returning in the last segment.

It is a little difficult to stay on this one as there is no trail marking or signage that I saw.

The last part is comprised of loose stone that might make a bike trip unpleasant, so consider walking this path.

Chelsea Community Wellness Path

Pretty Short

November, 2024 by clonetrooper5373

There isn’t too much to this trail, being a round trip of 3 miles. It is nice and smooth for the most part.

You’ll spend most of your time in an urban setting except for a brief stint in a wooded section that ends far quickly for my taste.

It’s fine for locals, but I wouldn’t bother traveling to this one.

Watkins Lake County Preserve and State Park

Almost Perfect

November, 2024 by clonetrooper5373

The trail is made up of three segments of roughly (?) equal length.

There are no benches, trashcans, or water fountains on this trail, so be plan accordingly.

Signage gives warning about the possibility of ticks on this train, so maybe stick to the main path, ignore any offshoots, and don’t brush against any plants.

I found the trail to very enjoyable from start to finish, with my only two complaints being: it’s rather short, being maybe six miles roundtrip, and the other being that the surface is dirt and stone, so unless you have a gravel, dirt, or fat tire bike, you might want consider walking this one.

Road crossings are rare.

I would recommend the trail to anybody looking to avoid an urban trail and connect with nature.

Michigan Air Line Trail

Pretty Good

November, 2024 by clonetrooper5373

The trail is perfectly smooth, with no bumps or pothole that I recall and runs mostly straight throughout. It starts off completely nature oriented with a switch between nature and urban fairly quickly, so if you're looking for a fully nature experience, you might want to try the West Bloom field trail that's just a few miles down the road. The trail is also rather short, clocking in at around 12 miles (round trip).

With that said, this is a very good that I very much enjoyed and look forward to completing again.

Individuals looking for a good trail should definitely consider this one.

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