Hershey, PA Snowmobiling Trails and Maps

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Muhlenberg Rail Trail

Biker and runner reminder

February, 2025 by znfpkprpdt

I walk here often with my dog. If you’re on a bike coming up behind me, or if you are running and approaching from behind me, I can’t hear you!! Naturally my dog will shy or jump up due to a startle. Please use a bell or call out. Thanks!

Newport and Shermans Valley Railroad Trace (formerely Little Buffalo)

Nice historic Trail

December, 2024 by vicki1960

While in the area, at Little Buffalo State Park, we visited this trail. Trailhead and parking below the dam. There is a covered bridge and old mill there. Trail is flat and goes approx 1 mile. Surface is gravel. Interesting stop to see the historical items. We were there the end of December and the trail was decorated for a Christmas Holiday walking tour. In the state park there are picnic areas and a swimming pool up above the lake.

Cumberland Valley Rail Trail

Peaceful and straight

December, 2024 by terriannjma_tl

It was a foggy damp day. Very light traffic on the trail except in Shippensburg. Very, very well maintained! Some of the gravel is deeper in areas than others, which when wet causes substantial drag on the tires. Total of 26 1/2 miles from end to end as out and back.


Stony Valley Rail-Trail

Good and not so good 11/24

November, 2024 by mherr628

I rode this trail for the first time in awhile . Resurfaced since last time I rode it . Rode 11 miles out and back . Nice that they resurfaced but stones are too BIG . And it’s crowned in the middle slightly . I noticed a lot of drain culverts along the way . Should help with washouts . The surface isn’t great but it is rideable with a hybrid or gravel bike . Peaceful ride . Didn’t see another human the whole time . Don’t ride in warm weather since I encountered a few rattle snakes previously . If you like hiking you can ride about 3.5 miles in from Goldmine Rd. And pick up the Appalachian trail . Although the signs are incorrect as far as direction . The one marked north goes south and vice versa .

LeTort Spring Run Nature Trail

Ran the Trail today in a light rain. Enjoyable and easy run through farmland and woods.

November, 2024 by djemmyers

Ran the Trail today in a light rain. Enjoyable and easy run through farmland and woods.

Farmingdale Trail

nice trail until we got off the pavement

November, 2024 by chanda.montoya

Nice scenic trail. Took a solid wheel scooter and a e-mountain bike. Everything was good until we ran out of pavement. Do not recommend for scooters or roller blades, Otherwise beautiful!

Conewago Recreation Trail

Super rough with large rocks, go to Lebanon valley rail trail instead

November, 2024 by captinbandwagon_tl

The portion of the trail in Lancaster County the Conewago trail is in horrible condition. The trail surface is repeatedly filled in with 2A aggregates. The surface of the trail is not suitable for bicycles or even for jogging I recommend you skip the section entirely and proceed to the portion as a Trail in Lebanon County, call the Lebanon valley rail trail, which is far superior & surface is lime, stone dust, very Smith.

Big Woods Trail (PA)

needs work

November, 2024 by joelkring

This is to update a previous post. We recently rode the section that connects to the SRT and it is in need of major repairs. There are areas that were washed out and filled in with much larger stones. There were also places where there were deep loose stones. As a long time mountain bike rider, I was able to handle these obstacles, but I don't recommend this section of trail, except for walkers.

Schuylkill River Trail

Great trail that runs through Philly

November, 2024 by lvcatfish

Relatively easy access from our hotel (Philly Downtown Marriott). We rode our travel tandem that we packed along for this trip. Beautiful ending of the fall leaves turning. Lots of trail traffic in town but traffic and scenery improved a lot as we got farther out of town. Old homes in a section of Fairmont Park adjacent to the trail are worth stopping to see. Dams and cascading water also create a serene environment worth stopping to absorb for a while.

Torrey C. Brown Rail Trail

Just finished 40 miles today. Great trail for riding bike on. I started in Ashland and rode just into PA. line, then turned around and back to Ashland. I have completed the whole trail at different times over the past 30 years.

November, 2024 by bosshauls

Just finished 40 miles today. Great trail for riding bike on. I started in Ashland and rode just into PA. line, then turned around and back to Ashland. I have completed the whole trail at different times over the past 30 years.

Enola Low Grade Trail

Enola Low Grade is excellent

November, 2024 by jcarey52

My wife and I parked at designated parking 3 miles east of Quarreyville and road to the end of the trail at Turkey Hill preserve. The trail is maintained and in excellent condition. I will note that when parking at this spot as of 11/01/2024 there are trail closed signs and there is still some paving work to be completed. However, the section being worked on is only 2 miles long and is easily rideable. If you want to park at the next location a bit west of this spot you will miss this. Note there are several areas to park along the trail and all have excellent parking and there are many benches, picnic tables, and port-a-johns along the length of the trail. There is no access to water, so, bring it with you. From where we parked to Turkey Hill preserve parking is 22 miles one way. This entire length of trail is in excellent condition and very enjoyable. Heading east from where we parked we were told (as we did not ride east) work is still being done on the trail and it is not in the same pristine condition. We have ridden many rail trails across the United States and highly recommend this one.

Schuylkill River Trail

Sketchy SRT in Reading

October, 2024 by ys77whd5c9

We have been biking the Bartram section for years and love it! First time we’ve taken this trail south from bridge near Carpenter entry gate. There were tents under the bridge with the trail getting more and more narrow. We passed a man picking through bags of spilled over garbage. Wonder if there are trail ambassadors or patrols because we weren’t comfortable going further south

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