Find the top rated inline skating trails in Benton Harbor, whether you're looking for an easy short inline skating trail or a long inline skating trail, you'll find what you're looking for. Click on a inline skating trail below to find trail descriptions, trail maps, photos, and reviews.
It's a good distance (round trip) and a smooth journey, but unless you're trying to jump on Romence Road Bikeway or Portage Creek Bicentennial Park, I honestly wouldn't bother.
It's way too short with nothing to see or do, so unless you're trying to jump on Lovers Lanes path or Portage Creek Bicentennial Park, I honestly wouldn't bother.
It's a quick 3 mile trip start to finish.
It's nice and flat but it doesn't really last long and with nothing to see here I wouldn't have a strong recommendation for this trail.
This nature preserve is a very hilly and twisty trail.
The pavement is nice and smooth throughout your time here though the constant bending arounds corners will require you to keep your hands on the brakes.
This is a pretty hilly trail that stretches for nearly 5 miles but is an enjoyable trip none the less.
Power line towers dot the landscape as soon as you hit Hampton and remain throughout the journey.
The trail boasts a garden nursery near Cypress Street, so be on the lookout for whatever plants are being taken care of.
Rode trail from Shipshewana to Goshen, what a beautiful scenic trail. Make sure you stop at Mooies for icecream.
This trail is so cracked and bumpy there are almost no smooth parts to it.
Nosie from traffic is also a constant presence.
There is nothing to see here expect a few bursts of nature amidst urban sprawl.
It's also so short you should consider walking instead of biking.
The trail is kinda bumpy throughout and switches from nature to urban almost immediately, with nothing really to see. Still, I felt I enjoyed my time on this trail, but if you're not local, I wouldn't bother.
No bathrooms but plenty of parking! We'll kept trail. Nice short ride.
The Granger Path is nice for running or walking. It's wide and relatively flat with only 40ft elevation change. The path follows and crosses several busy roads - so be watchful. Also watch for the multitude of golf carts and scooters driven by adolescents (mainly on weekends and after school hours). Additionally, none of the bicycle riders (or golf cart drivers) notify you as they approach from behind so best to run without tunes.
For several decades the first 1.5 miles of the pumpkinvine nature trail heading out of Goshen was indeed crushed limestone. It was decent, but dusty, or iffy when wet. Well, this September the city finally decided to pave it and it’s awesome—wide, smooth asphalt, with limestone shoulders. In the last year, they also finished the section connecting CR 33 to CR 35 so the trail really feels like it’s finally done and among the nicer trails in the state. Be sure to check out Mooey’s, the Amish ice cream shop at mile marker 6. They’re open thru September 28.
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